Min EDC 9/24/2007Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors William Law, Interim Vice Chair Gloria Donovan, Interim Secretary Patricia Evans Carl Garza Paul Machen Paul Sahanek Staff .Nancy McBeth Executive Director nmcbeth Ociboloix.net Lara Feagins Chief Financial Officer Ifeaainsrdcibolotx.net Todd Parton City Manager toorionacibolotx.nei Charles Zech CEDC Attorney Janette Ellis CEDC Liaison iellis®cibolotx.net City of Cibolo P.O. Box 826 200 South Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 main 210.658.9900 fax 210.658.1687 www.cibolovision.com •Expand Y a u r V i s i a In CIBOLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Monday, September 24, 2007 6:30 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order. Vice Chairman William Law called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Board Members Present: Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat" Evans, William "Bill" Law, and Paul Machen. Board Member Absent: Gloria Donovan and Carl Garza Staff Present: Nancy McBeth and Charles Zech 3. Consider and act upon appointing an interim Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. This item was tabled to the next meeting. 4. Consider and act upon making a recommendation to City Council of the By - Laws for the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. Following review and discussion, Bill Law moved to recommend approval to City Council the By -Laws for the CEDC, subject to items being clarified by Mr. Zech. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. 5. Consider and act upon the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation 2007-2008 Budget. Following review and discussion, Paul Sahanek moved to approve the CEDC 2007-2008 Budget. Bill Law seconded the motion. Motion cared. Vote unanimous. 6. Discussion regarding future agenda Mems requested by the CEDC. The following items were requested for the next agenda: a. Provide information regarding Robert's Rules of Order. b. Executive Session regarding a development project. C. Election of Officers. 7. Staff Updates. Ms. McBeth updated the CEDC on the following items: a. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues b. TEDC Training scheduled for October 19, 2007 C. Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce "Taste of the Metrocom" event on October 3, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. d. Cibolo Economic Development/Business Mixer on November 1, 2007 (6pm-8pm) 8. Adjournment. There being no further business, Pat Evans moved to adjoum the meeting at 7:19 p.m. Paul Machen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. Approved on October 29, 2007: -(,oto. DQ,A A, AL William Law, Interim Vice- h it