Min EDC 1/26/2009Cibolo Economic
Board of Directors
William Law, President
Paul Sahanek, Vice President
Paul Machen. Secretary
Patricia Evans, Treasurer
Carl Garza
Thom Rober
Gloria Donovan
Nancy McBeth
Executive Director
a Feagins
ief Financial Officer
Todd Parton
City Manager
Charles Zech
CEDC Attorney
Janette Ellis
CEDC Liaison
City of Clbolo
P.O. Box 826
200 South Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
main 210.658.9900
fax 210.658.1687
E x p a n d
Y o u r
V i s i o n
Regular Meeting of the
Cibolo Economic Development Corporation
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
Monday, January 26, 2009
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order.
Chairman William Law called the meeting to order at 6:44 p.m.
2. Roll Call.
Board Members Present: William "Bill" Law, Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat"
Evans, and Carl Garza.
Board Members Absent: Paul Machen, Gloria Donovan, and Thom Rober.
Staff Present: Nancy McBeth, Jonette Ellis, Todd Parton, Bruce Pearson, Lara
Feagins, and Charles Zech.
3. Consider and act upon the minutes of the October 27, 2008 Cibolo Economic
Development Corporation meeting.
The minutes for the October 27, 2008 meeting had not been prepared;
therefore, the Board moved this item to the next meeting.
4. Discussion/action regarding the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation
meeting schedule for 2009.
Following review and discussion, Pat Evans moved to approve the Cibolo
Economic Development Corporation meeting calendar noting that all
meetings are scheduled for the last Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
except for the following dates:
• May's meeting will be on the 18th.
• November's meeting will be on the 9th (as needed)
• December's meeting will be on the 10 (as needed)
Cali Garza seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
5. Discussion/update of the Multi Event Facility construction project.
Mr. Pearson updated the Board on the progress of the construction for the
Multi Event Facility noting that the bleacher pads are 80% complete; the
contractor is preparing to pour asphalt for parking and plaza areas; moving
forward with electrical contractor; and ordering equipment to maintain the
facility. Mr. Parton noted that staff had been in contact with several
corporations for sponsorship of the facility. Discussion only; no action taken.
6. Discussion/direction regarding Cibolo Economic Development Corporation
Ms. McBeth presented a second draft of the Cibolo Economic Development
Corporation incentive program. She stated that each incentive needs to
have benchmark , or eligibility. Discussion only; no action taken.
7. Staff Updates.
a. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues
Ms. Feagins reviewed the financial information in the packet.
b. Other Projects/Events/Updates
Ms. McBeth informed the Board members of expiring terms which will
be on a City Council agenda on January 27, 2009 for discussion.
Those terms expiring are: Thom Rober, William Law, Gloria Donovan,
and Paul Sahanek. Terms expiring in 2010 are: Paul Machen, Pat
Evans, and Carl Garza.
William Law asked staff to enroll him in a TEeD class in February.
8. Discusslon/direction regarding any agenda Items for future CEDC Meetings.
The following items were requested to be on the next agenda:
a. Review of the By -Law regarding attendance to the meetings.
b. Discussion regarding City Council actions on appointment and re-
c. Update from William Law regarding the TEDC class he attended:
Basic Economic Development Course.
d. Update from staff regarding the Galo Project.
e. Update on Incentives Programs.
f. Update of the Multi Event Facility.
g. Update of the 2008 Bond Schedule.
h. Update of the City's water supply.
I. Discussion of a possible CEDC Retreat to review strategic plan.
9. Adjournment.
There being no further business, Pat Evans moved to adjourn the meeting at
7:41 p.m. William Law seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
Approved on February 23, 2009