Min EDC 10/29/2007CIBOLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Monday, October 29, 2007 6:30 P.M. MINUTES Cibolo Economic Development Corporation 1. Call to Order. Chairman William Law called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board of Directors 2, Roll Call. William Law, President Board Members Present: William "Bill' Law, Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat' Paul Sahanek, Vice President Evans, Paul Machen, Carl Garza, and Gloria Donovan Paul Machen, Secretary Patricia Evans, Treasurer Carl Garza Board Member Absent: None Thom Taber Gloria Donovan Staff Present: Nancy McBeth, Charles Zech and Janette Ellis Interstate 35 3. Consider and act upon election of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Carl Garza nominated William Law as President. Gloria Donovan seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, William Law was Staff elected President by acclamation. Nancy h Executiveve Director William Law nominated Paul Sahanek as Vice President. Gloria Donovan ncbeth@ciboiotx.net seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, Paul Sahanek was elected Vice President by acclamation. Lara Feagins Chief Financial Officer William Law nominated Paul Machen as Secretary. Paul Sahanek seconded Ifeoalns@cibolotx.net the nomination. There being no further nominations, Paul Machen was Todd Parton elected Secretary by acclamation. City Manager toarton@cibololx.net William Law nominated Pat Evans as Treasurer. Paul Sahanek seconded the Charles Zech nomination. There being no further nominations, Pat Evans was elected CEDC Attorney Treasurer by acclamation. Janette Ellis CEDC Liaison iellis®cibolotx.nel 4. Consider and act upon the minutes of the August 27, 2007 and September 24, 2007 Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meetings. Following review, William Law moved to approved the minutes of the August 27, 2007 and September 24, 2007 Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. City of Cibolo Vote unanimous. P.O. Box 826 200 South Main Clbolo. Texas 78108 5. Consider and act upon making a recommendation to the City Council main 210.658.9900 regarding a vacancy on the CEDC. fax 210.658.1687 Following introduction and discussion, William Law moved to recommend to City Council that Mr. Thom Roper be appointed to the Cibolo Economic www.cibolovhion.com Development Corporation. City Council is schedule to act on this appointment at their November 13, 2007 meeting. E x p a n d 6. Executive Session: The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation will meet In Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Section Y o u r ul, i s i o n a. Regarding development located at Wiederstein Road and Interstate 35 The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation did not enter into Executive Session; this item was discussed in Open Session. Ms. Sunshine Knolle, Galo Properties reviewed with proposed mix use development at IH 35 and Cibolo Valley Drive. Ms. Knolle discussed entering into a 380 Agreement with the City of Cibolo and the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation to allow sales tax dollars to be used for infrastructure, upgrades and extras. 7. Reconvene into Regular Session and provide staff direction to work with the developer of the Wlederstein Road and Interstate 35 project in preparation of a proposal for CEDC review and possible future action. Following review and discussion, Paul Machen moved to allow staff to perform a financial feasibility study on the Galo project, and present the Board a proposal. William Law seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. 8. Discussion/action regarding a contract with the City of Cibolo. Ms. McBeth informed the Board that certain expenses such as office space, administrative services, etc. were subject to reimbursement to the City of Cibolo, therefore a contract for those services is needed. Following discussion, Paul Sahanek moved to request staff provide the Board with a draft contract for review. William Law seconded, the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. 9. Discussion/action regarding establishing a credit card account and permissions. Ms. McBeth requested the Board establish a credit card account for purchases, travel, etc. to be used by the Board and Staff. Following discussion, William Law moved to approve staff in securing a credit card account with Nancy McBeth and Pat Evans having permissions to use the card. Gloria Donovan seconded the motion. Motion canted. Vote unanimous. 10. Discussion regarding future agenda Items requested by the CEDC. a. Amendment to the budget to allow 10% cushion for marketing b. Mixer C. Galo project d. Contract with City of Cibolo 1111. Staff Updates. Discussion included: a. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues b. Final copy of the CEDC Budget C. Final copy of the CEDC By -Laws d. Roberts Rules of Order e. Other Projects/Events 12. Adjournment. There being no further business; William Law moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Paul Sahanek seconded the motion. Motion canted. Vote unanimous. Approved on January 28,2008: