Min EDC 6/3/2010o f cid *r r_o -''y/iH4gq//IIIIIIIIPIIIII\``\. T £ X AS "City of Choice" MINUTES Regular Meeting Cibolo Economic Development Corporation 200 South Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Thursday, June 3, 2010 6:30 P.M. A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting on June 3, 2010 at the City Municipal Building, 200 South Main, Cibolo, Texas. 1. Call to Order. Meeting was called to order by President Bill Law at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. 'Members present: Bill Law, Carl Garza, David Peacock, Pat Evans, Ruby Massey, Donna C. Normandin. Members absent: Paul Sahanek. Staff present: City Manager, Bruce Pearson; and ED Director, Traci Anderson. Council present: Councilman Mark Winn. Ms. Anderson stated that Mr. Sahanek announced his resignation from the board this morning. 3. Introduction of two new board members. Ms. Normandin and Ms. Massey introduced themselves and gave a brief description of their backgrounds. 4. Election of President, Vice -President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Mr. Garza nominated Mr. Peacock as President. Ms. Normandin seconded. All voted in favor. The motion carried. Ms. Normandin nominated Mr. Garza as Vice -President. Mr. Law seconded, All voted in favor. The motion carried. Ms. Massey nominated Ms. Normandin as Secretary. Ms. Normandin nominated Ms. Massey as Secretary. Ms. Massey stated she would like for Ms. Normandin to accept the position. Ms. Normandin accepted. Mr. Law seconded. All voted in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Law nominated Ms. Evans as Treasurer. Ms. Massey seconded. All voted in favor. The motion carried. 5. Approval of the Minutes for March 22, 2010 and March 27, 2010 Special Meeting. Ms. Anderson stated that the March 22 minutes needed to have the place for Mr. Law's signature removed. Ms. Evans motioned to approve the March 22 minutes as amended and approval of the March 27 minutes as presented. Mr. Law seconded. All voted in favor. The motion carried. 6. Financial Reports. Ms. Anderson went over the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Sales Tax Collection History and also the revenue and expense reports for March and April. 7. Discuss and Action: A. Discuss and Action regarding putting banners on the Multi -Event Center fence as a Business Retention and Retention tool for local businesses. Ms. Anderson stated that staff discussed the possibilities of placing local business banners along the Multi -Event Center fence free of charge for a Business Retention and Expansion tool. Ms. Anderson stated that staff would get together and discuss parameters for the banners. She was seeking guidance from the board to allow staff to move forward with setting some parameters. Ms. Normandin asked about home-based businesses being allowed to have a banner as well. Ms. Anderson stated that they do not provide sales tax to the City, so they would not be allowed to put a banner up. Mr. Peacock stated to add sales tax as one of the parameters. Mr. Peacock also stated that if too many businesses wanted to use this tool, parameters needed to be in place that would be on a first come, first serve basis. Ms. Normandin thought it would be best to have the requests put in writing and have them date and time stamped. Ms. Normandin asked about how placement would be determined and how many banners could fit along the fence line and to make sure this was determined and put into the parameters as well. Ms. Anderson stated that another parameter would be that the banners would be taken down at the City's discretion. Councilman Winn thought it would be better to charge the businesses for the banners and not have to worry about all the parameters. Mr. Peacock motioned for the city staff to move forward to establish parameters for the banners to be put on the Multi -Event Center. Ms. Massey seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The motion carried. B. Discuss and Action regarding the TexasOne Board Meeting and Mission Trip in Dallas on June 23. Ms. Massey and Ms. Normandin both questioned why something like this would be brought to the board if it was within the means of the budget and obviously a benefit to the City. Ms. Anderson stated that the budget was made to be very general due to the lack of knowledge of what would be needed; therefore, it was being left to the board to make decisions moving forward through this budget year. Ms. Evans motioned to send Ms. Anderson to the TexasOne Board meeting in Dallas and stay at the LaQuinta Inn for $79 plus tax and give $110 mileage. Mr. Garza seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The motion carried. C. Discuss and Action regarding the Roundtable in the South June 14-17, 2010. Ms. Anderson stated that she had spoken to Mr. Pearson regarding this conference and Mr. Pearson approved for Ms. Anderson to attend. The funds would be taken out of the City budget. Ms. Anderson stated this conference will give her one-on-one time with the site consultants. S. Updates: A. Update on the downtown wayfinding signs. Ms. Anderson stated that she had spoken with Cold Fire Signs who is getting price quotes and this will be brought back at the next meeting. B. Update on the Retail Coach Demographic Study. Ms. Anderson stated that Retail Coach did a demographic study so that she could take to ICSC. The study is provided in the packet for the board's information. C. Update on the IAMC Conference. Ms. Anderson stated this was a great conference to attend with an intimate setting and an opportunity to speak with many site consultants and decision makers for companies. Team Texas hosted an event on Sunday night. Texas EDC's and Service Providers hosted a small dinner on Monday night. D. Update on the BIO Conference. Ms. Anderson stated that the BIO Conference went well with the State of Texas and that most of the work will now be put into the follow-up. The State is putting all the contacts together and will send it to each of the attendees to allow for follow-up. E. Update on the ICSC Conference. Ms. Anderson stated that the ICSC Conference was a huge success and a lot of positive feedback from retailers and interest in Cibolo. Also, a developer is committed to coming out and looking at Cibolo to see what they can do. It is all about follow-up at this point to get specific sites in front of the retailers and developers. F. Update on the Team Texas ROI event. Ms. Anderson stated that Mr. Stephens and his wife have accepted the invitation to attend the Team Texas ROI event June 11-13. G. Update on the restroom/dressing room facility for the Multi -Event Center. Mr. Pearson stated that a design and amount was going to Council to approve/disapprove the building of the restroom/concession facility for the MEC. 9. Future Agenda Items: A. Texas Deal Making Conference Ms. Anderson stated that the information for the Texas Deal Making Conference was in the packet to look over and would discuss at the next meeting. Other future agenda items include: - Banner parameters - Wayfinding Signs - Children's activities in Cibolo - Expectations of the board members 10. Adjournment There being no further business, Mr. Peacock adjourned the meeting at 8:02 P.M. on: C. Normandin Secretary This notice of Meeting is posted pursuant to the Texas Government Code 551.041— 551.043 on the front window and bulletin board of the Cibolo Municipal Building, 200 South Main Street, Cibolo, Texas on Friday, May 28, 2010 at 5:00 pm. Traci Anderson Economic Development Director This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking space is available. Request for accommodation or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please contact the City Secretary at (210) 658-9900 or fax (210) 658-1687.