Min WRAC 8/12/2010of C/9
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"City of Choice"
Water Resource Advisory Committee
200 S. MAIN ST.
August 12, 2010
6:00 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Water Resource Advisory Committee meeting at the City
Municipal Building, 200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas.
Call to Order: - Meeting was called to order by Chairman Winter at 6:01 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
Ron Pedde
Steve Liparoto
Bruce Winter
Guy Barrows
Larry Carlton
Lesley Pedde
Carl Garza
Staff Present: City Manager Bruce Pearson, City Secretary Peggy
Robert Stricker
Cimics and Community Dev. Services Director
3. Moment of Silence: - Chairman Winter asks for a Moment of Silence.
4. Citizens to be Heard:
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Water Resource Advisory Committee. The Water
Resource Advisory Committee may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non -
agenda issue at this time however they may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens.
No citizens to be heard.
5. Approval of the Minutes
A. Minutes of June 17. 2010
Mr. Pedde moved to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2010 minutes. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carlton. For:
All; Against: None. Motion carried.
6. Discussion/Action:
A. Review and Discussion on the existing Landscape Ordinance.
The committee went over the existing Landscape Ordinance to include conservation and use of existing water.
B. Discussion/Action and direction to staff for a recommendation from the committee to the City Council
on the draft Landscape Ordinance (conservation components only).
Mr. Pedde moved to recommend approval of the Landscape Ordinance to the City Council. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Barrows. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
7. Presentation:
A. Presentation by staff concerning waterless urinals.
Robert Stricker Director of Community Development Services gave the Committee a presentation on waterless
8. Staff Updates
A. Water Resource update.
The City Manager Bruce Pearson gave the committee an update on Water Resources for the City of Cibolo.
9. Items requested to be placed on future agendas,
The Committee requested a Workshop after the next meeting to discuss conservation. Requested that the next
regular meeting be scheduled for September 23, 2010.
10. Adiournment:
Mr. Carlton moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 p.m. Motion was seconded by Mr. Pedde. For: All; Against:
None. Motion carried.
Bruce Winter
Water Resource Advisory Committee
Peggy Cimics
City Secretary