Min ZOAC 11/4/2009" y OP c/o
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200 S. Main St.
November 4, 2009
5:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm.
Present: Larry Carlton
Ron Pedde
Lisa Aguirre
Lesley Pedde
Garth Coursen-arrived at 5:30pm
Staff Present: Robert Stricker, DCDS
Jonette Ellis, Sr. Planner
Maggie Patterson, Asst. Planner
Sheila Edmondson, Asst. City Secretary
Espey Consultants: Chris Stewart and Gabe Rojas
2. Consider and act upon nominations and appointments of Chairman and Vice -Chairman.
Ms. Lesley Pedde nominated Garth Coursen for Chairman, Ms. Lisa -Aguirre seconded the
nomination. All in favor 4, none against. Mr. Garth Coursen is Chairman.
Mr. Ron Pedde nominated Larry Carlton for Vice -Chairman, Ms. Lisa Aguirre seconded the
nomination. All in favor 4, none against. Mr. Larry Carlton is Vice -Chairman.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the October 14.2009 minutes of the Cibolo Zoning Ordinance
Advisory Committee.
Ms. Lisa Aguirre motioned to approve the October 14, 2009 minutes from the Cibolo Zoning
Ordinance Advisory Committee meeting. Ms. Lesley Pedde seconded the motion.
All in favor 4, nay 0. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
4. Presentation by Espey Consultants concerning the amendments to the City of Cibolo's Zoning
Ordinance and Zoning Map:
A. Roles/Responsibilities of Planning & Zoning, City Council, Board of Adjustment
B. Procedures
C. District Names and Intent Statements
a D. Use Tables
E. Tough Policy Issues
Chris Stewart began his presentation by discussing a time frame for the meeting. A general consensus
was to watch the clock and assess the meeting at a 2 hour mark. Gabe Rojas discussed the places that
were chosen to research, Sioux Falls SD, Phoenix AZ, and Gruene Tx. Chris Stewart discussed the roles
of the Planning & Zoning, City Council and Board of Adjustment. Chris Stewart continued his
presentation with definitions of District Names, Intent Statements, Use Tables and Tough Policy Issues.
Mr. Garth Coursen arrived at 5:30 pm. He was informed of his nomination as Chairman of the Cibolo
Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee. Mr. Coursen accepted his nomination as Chairman.
Mr. Chris Stewart suggested that each committee member take a district title and write an intent
5. Discussion/Recommendations/Directions to Consultant and Staff.
None were given at this time.
6. Items for future Aeendas.
The assignment that Mr. Chris Stewart gave would be due before the next meeting which will be
December 9h, 2009 at 5:00 pm.
7. Adjournment
Mr. Ron Pedde motioned that the meeting adjourn at 7:00 pm; Ms. Lesley Pedde seconded the
motion. All in favor 5, none against.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Garth Coursen
Sheila Edmo dson
Asst. City Secretary