Min WRAC 2/11/2010y OF Cog O < G� 1-90 TeX P5 "City of Choice" Water Resource Advisory Committee CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. MAIN ST. February 11, 2010 6:00 P.M. MINUTES A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Water Resource Advisory Committee meeting on February 11, 2010 at the City Municipal Building, 200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas. 1. Call to Order: - Meeting was called to order at 6:05 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Bruce Winter Larry Carlton Guy Barrows Carl Garza — absent Lesley Pedde Steve Liparoto Ron Pedde Staff Present: Bruce Pearson, Peggy Cimics Moment of Silence: Water Resource Advisory Committee called for a moment of silence. 4. Citizens to be Heard: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Water Resource Advisory Committee. The Water Resource Advisory Committee may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non - agenda issue at this time however they may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. No citizen signed up to be heard at this time. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman. LarryCarlton moved to appoint Mr. Winter as Chairman of the Water Resource Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded by Ms. Pedde. For: Members: R. Pedde, L. Pedde, S. Liparoto, G. Barrows, B. Winters and L. Carlton; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Mr. Winter moved to elect Mr. Barrows as the Vice Chairman the Water Resource Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded by Mr. Pedde. For: Members: R. Pedde, L. Pedde, S. Liparoto, G. Barrows, B. Winters and L. Carlton; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 6. Discussion/Action on the goals and objectives of the Water Resource Advisory Committee. City Manager Bruce Pearson covered the three step approach of any water resource plan. First, must develop new potable resources for the future. Second, we must look at the further use of existing water resources. Third, the City needs to look at education and conservation. Mr. Pearson also stated two options available to the City at this time. First, research and seek new sources and lease more water. MR. Pedde stated that the City needs to look for more source of water. Mr. Winter stated that the City needs to be diverse but finding water was a necessity. Mr. Liparoto agreed1that at some point the City would need to look at other sources for water. Mr. Pedde moved to direct staff to continue the research that began in 2009 and bring information back to the committee that reveals costs associated with a water resource project. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carlton. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Discussion/Action of the review of Water Source Inventory for the City of Cibolo. Mr. Pearson briefed the committee on the City need for additional water supplies. Currently the City has some 2550 acre feet in its inventory. This water supply is accounted for by: 1. 1350 acre feet through CRWA, 2.700 acre feet from Wells Ranch 1 through CRWA, 3. 500 acre feet leased from Bexar Metropolitan Water District through CRWA. S. Discussion/Action on alternative water sources, education and conservation. The committee was explained by the City Manager that in order to extend the existing water supplies for water purveyors factors have to be considered were 1. Further use of existing water resources and supplies, 2. Education and conservation. When these two plans have been executed by other utilities they have proven to be very successful. Mr. Pearson stated that for every dollar spent on these two programs, ratepayers have saved @ $10.00 in not having to pay for the development of new water supplies. Further use of existing water supplies for non -potable use include: 1. Reclaimed water, 2. Rainwater harvesting and 3. Industrial process water capture. Education and conservation initiatives involve: 1. Low flow toilets and fixtures, 2. Well maintained irrigation systems, 3. Planting of native landscapes, 4. Programs and rebates, 5. Drought restrictions. 9. Staff Updates. A. Water resource research projects B. Feasibility study C. Region L Report D. Other resource projects City Manager went over the above items with the committee. 10. Items requested to be placed on future agendas. Committee requested a presentation on water resources in the South Central Texas region and Trinity Aquifer. 11. Adjournment. Mr. Pedde motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 P.M. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carlton. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8TH DAY OF APRIL 2010. Bruce Winter Chairman A�: Peggy Cimics City Secretary