Min P&Z 5/11/2011'CITY OF CHOICE'
200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108
May 11, 2011
6:30 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Planning and Zoning meeting.
1. Call to Order.
Chairman Cynthia Pettit called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
2. Roll Call.
Cynthia Pettit
Garth Coursen
Louis Chatman
Scottland Roddy
Tex Farnsworth
Josh Welch
Norma Mashburn -absent
Robert Stricker-DCDS
Randal Anderson -Sr. Planner
Sheila Edmondson -Asst. City Secretary
3. Moment of Silence.
A moment of silence for all the victims of the Mississippi River flooding.
4. Pledge of Allegiance.
Led by Chairman Cynthia Pettit.
5. Citizens to be Heard:
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any issue.
Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any
non -agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present any factual
response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion — JC 0169) (Limit of three minutes
None at this time
6. Approval/Disapproval of the minutes from March 15, 2011 meeting.
Garth Coursen asked for Item 9 to state "At owners request, Saddle Creek Unit 3 and Unit 4
Would be tabled until further notice." With the additional verbiage, Garth Coursen made
a motion to approve the minutes from the March 15, 2011 meeting. Scottland Roddy seconded
the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0.
7. Approval/Disapproval of the minutes from April 13, 2011 meeting.
.. Tex Farnsworth made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 13, 2011 meeting.
Louis Chatman seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6 to 0.
8. Discussion/Action/Recommendation to the City Council on the following:
a. Preliminary Plat Approval of Cibolo Valley Ranch Unit 6 A
Randal Anderson explained to the Commission that staff and the City Engineer find that this plat
complies with city standards. There are two amendments that will be added to the final plat.
1. General Note on Page 1 of the plat should be amended so that the final language of this note
does not overlap another plat label.
2. The Final Plat should contain only one signature block. It is not necessary to require signature
on each page of the plat.
Garth Coursen made a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of preliminary plat
of Cibolo Valley Ranch Unit 6A with the addition of the two amendments. Tex Farnsworth
seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6 to 0.
b. Updates to the Green Valley Road corridor of the Future Land Use Map
Randal Anderson explained that staff made the updates to the map from the recommendations at
the last meeting. With these changes, Randal Anderson would like to bring back a finalized color
map with those changes and then it would be ready to submit to City Council. Garth Coursen
made a motion to accept the updates staff made on the map and have staff prepare a final
colorized map to send to City Council for their approval. Scottland Roddy seconded the motion.
All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6 to 0.
9. Discussion/Direction to Staff on the following:
a. Site Plan Review
Randal Anderson explained to the Commission that most site plans are black and white. They
either meet the city standards or they don't. Randal Anderson introduced a list of six criterias for
approval that the site plans would have to meet. These criteria give the developer clear guidelines
and also allows staff to have defined parameters when reviewing plans. General consensus from
the Commission is that the Commission does not want to be in the site plan review process. They
feel staff does an excellent job and to add this extra step is unnecessary and possibly time
consuming. Staff would keep the Commission informed of the out of ordinary site plans and
allow them to review those plans. The Commission gave staff direction to continue their site plan
approval process and bring back to them a final draft.
b. Landscape Requirements in Industrial Zoning Districts
Randal Anderson said current landscaping requirements for industrial zoning districts are 20%.
Staff feels the percentage should be lower, possibly 5%-10% less. Industrial districts are different
and would need the additional room for their work. They do not have a lot of customer parking
and the current 20% isn't necessary. They would still be responsible for the frontage area and any
area adjoining that is non -industrial zoned property. This compromise is acceptable to staff: The
general consensus from the Commission is to have staff continue the zoning change and bring
back in final draft form.
10. Discussion of Sanjel Truck Traffic
Randal Anderson included emails from Chief Gary Cox on this same subject. He said City
Council had the same concerns and Chief Cox and Mark Luft, DEDC, are working with Sanjel
and TXDot to address the city's concerns. The City would have ordinances in effect before
Sanjel's fleet was operational.
11. UDC Updates, Discussion and Reports
Randal Anderson informed -the Commission that the City Council has incorporated the
Zoning Ordinance into the UDC. The UDC is one set of development standards. There are
several other areas that staff needs to address. Randal Anderson asked the Commission to help
prioritize those areas. Garth Coursen suggested staff speak to Streets and Drainage Commission
for some feedback as well. When the UDC is complete, the Commission will receive a final
copy of it.
12. Items for future agendas.
1. Commission would like Staff Updates to be added to agendas. They would like to
know what is going on in the City.
2. Commission would like updates from the EDC Dept. Staff said they would ask
Mark Luft to do a write up to be included in future packets.
3. Buffalo Crossing Unit 5 will still be tabled until the developer has corrected the areas
staff has identified.
13. Adjournment
Scottland Roddy made a motion for adjournment. Josh Welch seconded the motion.
All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
Cynihia Pettit, Chairman