Min P&R 11/3/2010y of Cie
Ur O
200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108
November 3, 2010
6:00 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Parks & Recreation meeting.
1. Call to Order.
Paul Maple called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. Roll Call
Paul Maple
Mike Lindell
Meghan Bailey
Bill Vogel
Savannah Minor
Andrew Lambert
Linda Winn
Bruce Pearson -City Manager
Peggy Cimics-City Secretary
Roger Niemietz-Fire Chief/ PW Director
Sheila Edmondson -Asst. City Secretary
Steve Liparoto-Councilman
Larry Carlton -Councilman
3. Moment of Silence.
Led by Paul Maple
4. Pledge of Allegiance.
Led by Paul Maple
5. Citizens to be Heard:
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Parks and Recreation Commission on any issue. Parks and
Recreation Commission Council may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non -
agenda issue at this time however the Parks and Recreation Commission may present any factual response to items
brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion— JC 0169) (Limit of three minutes each).
None at this time.
6. Approval/Disapproval of the minutes.
a. September 1, 2010
Mike Lindell made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 1, 2010 meeting. Bill Vogel seconded
the motion. All in favor, none against. Motion passed 7 to 0.
Presentation/Discussion on Veteran's Memorial Park display. Presentation by Bill Vogel.
Bill Vogel gave a presentation on options for the Veteran's Memorial Park Display. There were several
ideas presented, from a static display, concrete walls honoring veterans, plaques and stained glass windows.
These projects could be funded by asking businesses for donations and support.
8. Discussion on planning the Christmas Extravaganza scheduled on December) 1, 2010.
Kim Wise, owner of Wise Jewelry asked to speak the Parks Committee about the Holiday Extravaganza. She
would like the City and business owners from Main St. to work together on the Holiday Extravaganza planning.
The Holiday Extravaganza would include a tree-ligbting ceremony, Christmas carolers, a visit from Santa and the
downtown businesses will also have a band playing that night. Mike Lindell made a motion to close Main St.
and Loop 539 for the Holiday Extravaganza event. Linda Winn seconded the motion. All for, none against.
Motion passed 7 to 0. Staff will start the necessary paperwork for the closing of Main St. and Loop 539.
9. Items for future agendas.
1. Park Commissioner assigned to a City Park as a liaison.
2. Hosting parade in Cibolo.
10. Adjournment.
Mike Lindell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Linda Winn seconded the motion. All in favor, none against.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Paul Maple, Chairman