Min P&R 12/1/20101 or Cie R V O rex w5 'CITY OF CHOICE' PARKS & RECREATION MEETING 200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108 December 1, 2010 6:00 P.M. A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Parks & Recreation meeting. 11 1. Call to Order. — Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Michael Lindell 2. Roll Call Paul Maple — Chairman arrived at 6:1 1p.m. Michael Lindell Meghan Bailey Bill Vogel Savannah Minor Andrew Lambert Linda Winn Staff: Fire Chief/Public Works Director Roger Niemietz, City Sec/HR Director Peggy Cimics Council Liaison— Councilman Steve Liparoto and Councilman Larry Carlton Moment of Silence. — Mr. Lindell called for a Moment of Silence 4. Pledge of Allegiance. — Mr. Lindell led the Pledge of Allegiance 5. Citizens to be Heard: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Parks and Recreation Commission on any issue. Parks and Recreation Commission Council may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non - agenda issue at this time however the Parks and Recreation Commission may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. There were no citizens that wish to speak during this meeting. 6. Approval/Disapproval of the minutes. a. November 3, 2010 Motion was made by Meghan Bailey to approve the minutes of November 3, 2010. Motion was seconded by Bill Vogel. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Discussion on Holiday Extravaganza on December 11, 2010. A briefing was given by the City Secretary on what has already been done to prepare for this event. Lights will begin to be put on all City buildings starting December 2 and street closure and advertising the event was discussed. Ms Cimics stated that the City would have the train available that evening for the young children in attendance to ride. Santa Clause would be there and would hand out small stockings with candy. Parents would have the opportunity to take pictures. Ms. Winn went over the program and which groups were going to perform. We talked about which refreshment items we would like to see at the event and the time we all needed to be at City Hall to help setup. Everyone was in agreement that if we arrived by 5:15 p.m. on Dec I 1'h that would give us plenty of time to setup the items we needed to get the program going. 8. Discussion on future events sponsored by the Parks Commission. The events that the Parks Commission presently helps the City with are Cibolofest, Memorial Day Event and the Christmas Extravaganza. Some members would like to see other events the Parks Commission would sponsor or help the City with. A Veterans Day Event was talked about in great detail from a small ceremony to a parade. Staff did state that many of these events require the help and support of staff and Parks/Streets/Utility personnel. At the present time we do not have the personnel to help with any more events other than the ones that are already established already. A parade was talked about several times and also celebrating Martin Luther King's Birthday and the possibility of adopting a flower pot along Main Street. Mr. Lindell states that the Parks Commission did need to stay focus on City Parks. The Commission decided to take this item up future with a Workshop following the next regular scheduled Parks Meeting in January. 9. Discussion on Parks Committee Member being a liaison to a City Park. This item was brought up by Mr. Vogel. He thought if each member of the Parks Commission was assigned to one City Park they could take inventory of that Park and return and brief the other members of the Commission. Ms. Winn stated that she was assigned to the Parks Commission to look at all Parks not just one. If a member was assign one Park they would not look at the other Parks in the City the same way. Mr. Lindell stated he also felt the Commissions duty was to look at all the Parks but did feel that a person could inventory and report back. No consensus was reached on this item. They did decide to at a later date drive to all the Parks and take inventory and recommendation on what they as a Commission felt was needed at each facility to make it a better and safer place for the citizens of Cibolo. 10. Discussion/Action/Recommendation to City Council on expenditures from Cibolo Fest proceeds for Parks System. Staff gave the Parks Commission their recommendations. Parks Commission was interested in providing more picnic tables at Veterans Memorial Park and benches. They also talked about flower boxes but due to the irrigation system being placed at the Park this did not seem feasible at this time. Chief Niemietz did inform the Parks Commission that table prices ran from $600 to $900 each. Ms. Winn made a motion to purchase four tables for Veterans Memorial Park from the proceeds from Cibolofest 2010. Motion was seconded by Mr. Vogel. For. All; Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 11. Items for future agendas. The following items were requested to be placed on the next agenda: Discussion on the Parks Master Plan and a possible update to the plan. Discussion/Action on setting the date and time for Cibolofest 2011. A Workshop to discuss future Parks Commission Events. To be placed on a future agenda a drive of all Cibolo City Parks. 12. Adjournment. Chairman Maple called the meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. For: All; Against: None. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 5' DAY OF JANUARY 2011. Sheila Edi Asst. City *Paulaple Chairman