Agenda P&R 2/11/2013nor c,e 4 o U O l.t "CITY OF CHOICE' PARKS & RECREATION MEETING 200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108 February 11, 2013 6:00 P.M. A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Parks & Recreation meeting. Agenda 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Moment of Silence. 4. Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Parks and Recreation Commission on any issue. Parks and Recreation Commission Council may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non -agenda issue at this time however the Parks and Recreation Commission may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion — JC 0169) (Limit of five minutes each). 6. A. Approval/ Disapproval of the Minutes from the January 2, 2013 meeting. B. Approval/ Disapproval of the Minutes from the November 7, 2012 meeting. 7. Discussion on Park Land/green space and possible land coming into the City to be used for City Parks 8. Discussion on a Skate Park/Dog Park in the City of Cibolo. 9. Staff Update on Niemietz, Rich, Veterans and Schlather Parks. 10. Items for future agenda. 11. Adjournment This Notice of Meeting is posted pursuant to the Texas Government Code 551.041 - .043 on the front window and bulletin board of the Cibolo Municipal Building, 200 South Main Street, Cibolo, Texas on February 8, 2013 at 5:00 pm. Peggy Cimics City Secretary, TRMC Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Cade, the City of Cibolo reserves the right to consult in closed session with its attorney and to receive legal advice regarding any item listed on this agenda. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking space is available Request for accommodation or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please cmtaa the City secretary at (210) 658-9900 or FAX (210) 658-1687. All cells phones most be turned off before entering the Parks and Recreation Meeting. I certify, that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Parks and Recreation was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the _day of 2013. Name and Title �r City of Cibolo PARK PLAN MAP November 8, 2005 �r ♦ r Future Land Uses • ■ Single Family Residential ■ Manufactured Housing - Multifamily _ CBD, Mixed Use and Historical - Commercial - Industrial - Institutional/Public Use Park, Recreation, Open Space 100 -yr Floodplain Park Classifications Neighborhood Park Hike and Bike Trail Community Park H • DoglPark - Topix http://www.topix.com/forum/city/schertz-tYJT5QAGG153DM30REIB Judged:1 Judged: �.' Find a School �..,.- we need a dog park in Shertz or Cibolo you know what 1 word? Mar 29 2009. 4101 Judge til I Report Abuse I Reply + If some of the apartments around here have them then why don't the sub divisions or " r "'Your Zip Code: x]8154 the city? I think the area between the pads and Cibolo Creek by the. train tracks woultl g be a great place. i. Y Online O Campus O Bath p we, get one, i suggest we gel a couple smell, shallow ponds or pools for the dogs to ;I it swim in In summer or something.And maybe an agility worse and exercise SUbJee[:'-SelectAllSubjals- persorl ' Mar29,2009 071 Judge in l Report Abuse! Replya ScneT. ]X Boland All rs Degree: Coues 8 Degrees - Judged: 1 , .. . _ i Amit `+ YES!I li dog profiles GREAT fdeal!I I We definitelyneed one co residents dont have to the way I see tl Is our public park in NB and other small parks amend the area are filthy drive all the way out to McAlister and Peerage all the &re. So a dog park is a definite --- ------ people just cannot dean up ager making cute lit picnics and big bar-b-ques, what gives YESHilWit be better for everyone and lots of funl:D SCHERTZ PEOPLE SEARCH WE NEED A DOG PARK Mar29, 2009 981 Judge M I Report Atxtte I Reply a Addresses and phone numbers for FREE Snna.c. rx I First Name away on something like that when these roads are beady getting feed- Judged:, please please PLEASE get a dog park in Cibolollll think somewhere in Schanz or in Last Name ' t between the two also would be a good Idw.But either way i1 Will closer to anent i, '-her z city (Schertz Cibolo and Swartz residents and lLOVE the idea!We certainly need one. ---- - ----- -. . State jTexas RJ IV SAatr. 1'X Kenzie S cox. TX dre Haimmn. Tx I<i Ruckus Fl kso. TY R Hunt eP ii, TX SCHERTZ NEWS, EVENTS & INFO Apr 9, 2009 4121 Judge IV There is a dog park in Schedz MY FRONT YARDI Ifs a nine field. Nov 14, 2009 4131 Judge in I Repan Abuse I Reply u dre wrote. the way i sea fl is our pudic parr In NO end other sense parks amend the ores am filihy people just ceredf clean up after makvV cute 19 picrdcs and big Dar-bques, what gives anyone an idea for an ideal park f er dos in a matter of Omo it would be covered in dog two and graffiti them teens and kids. like her city would even consider f0 throw matey away an somefhinglike fear when fnese loads. ambeada y _ geltirgfixed.. _? _ n_:,.._. - ily a j;2 • Ifpeople don't have Ne carmon decency to cleanup their cress then there should be` i fines for not cleaning up after having a party or BBQ or not picking up ager your dog. If y there Is a dog park in the Schertz7Cibolo area it should be restricted access. Since the park will obviously be gated to keep dogs from iunning away, people who wish to access the park could have an electronic gale key that May purchase from the city for a reasonable price. This way the city can also ensure that the dog has all of its updated vaccinations and has a good lemperament.The park will also have several bins and scoops In Ne area for dog waste, Maintaining the dog park could be put under community service hours for local high schools or people who need to work s certain number of conrnuuty service holds —even volunteers could help out Most of the people who want a dog park care enough about their dogs and the community, to not put up With a filthy area. Done right and with care, you can have a great dog park in wonderful condition. Every problem eventually has a solution. P Tell me when this thread is updates (Registration is no 1,rwgwred)„..--»-.^`•' Showing posts 1 -13 of 13 a Random Topix Page PERSONAL FINANCE -12 MONTH CD CIT Bank APY: 1.01% Min to Earn APY: $10001 Promo APT. 1.01 % Last Updated 027072013 Discover Bank MY: 0.90% Mid. to Earn APV: 525001 Pram eAPY: 0.90% Last Updated 021072013 Data Presided by Interne Research Services MORTGAGES [ See current mortgage rates ] Amount: Loan Type: 1200,000 1 1.30 Year Fixed Conforming—„ - .. Searph] SCHERTZ SCHOOL SPORTS Lobo boys hoops get Buffaloed E2-77 L Lady Lobo basketball cruises past Lockhart on S... I Steele boys, girls take 2nd In 2&5A Heights pressed by pesky Clemens i Lehman. Hays gids basketball in the battle for - Mom Schorr School Sports from Topix u i Lazy Garoemi'sworkshop set 1. Mlamn wMm1s We adding Three fulfillment c.:. a Two New Studies Show Booning Local Economy 2 of4 2/7/2013 1:48 PM Mar 29. 2009 591 Judgc it! I Report Abuse I Reply a Judged: we need a dog park in Shertz or Cibolo you know what 1 word? Mar 29 2009. 4101 Judge til I Report Abuse I Reply Judged a 1 g Ok. Definitelyyes yes yes yes & YESHIII cant say it enough we NEED a dog parklllllt p we, get one, i suggest we gel a couple smell, shallow ponds or pools for the dogs to ;I it swim in In summer or something.And maybe an agility worse and exercise � equipmenl.Oh!and a dog water founlan.you know, fun stuRlike thay t Api 8, 2009 #111 Judge fit l Repot Abwo l Replya `+ Judged` .. :. _.. ,... ., •.vk:r 1. the way I see tl Is our public park in NB and other small parks amend the area are filthy y, people just cannot dean up ager making cute lit picnics and big bar-b-ques, what gives f anyone an Idea for an ideal park for dogs in a matter of here it would be covered in dog PT X', amp and gmftli from teens and kids. like the city would even consider to throw molmy I • away on something like that when these roads are beady getting feed- j Apr 9, 2009 4121 Judge IV There is a dog park in Schedz MY FRONT YARDI Ifs a nine field. Nov 14, 2009 4131 Judge in I Repan Abuse I Reply u dre wrote. the way i sea fl is our pudic parr In NO end other sense parks amend the ores am filihy people just ceredf clean up after makvV cute 19 picrdcs and big Dar-bques, what gives anyone an idea for an ideal park f er dos in a matter of Omo it would be covered in dog two and graffiti them teens and kids. like her city would even consider f0 throw matey away an somefhinglike fear when fnese loads. ambeada y _ geltirgfixed.. _? _ n_:,.._. - ily a j;2 • Ifpeople don't have Ne carmon decency to cleanup their cress then there should be` i fines for not cleaning up after having a party or BBQ or not picking up ager your dog. If y there Is a dog park in the Schertz7Cibolo area it should be restricted access. Since the park will obviously be gated to keep dogs from iunning away, people who wish to access the park could have an electronic gale key that May purchase from the city for a reasonable price. This way the city can also ensure that the dog has all of its updated vaccinations and has a good lemperament.The park will also have several bins and scoops In Ne area for dog waste, Maintaining the dog park could be put under community service hours for local high schools or people who need to work s certain number of conrnuuty service holds —even volunteers could help out Most of the people who want a dog park care enough about their dogs and the community, to not put up With a filthy area. Done right and with care, you can have a great dog park in wonderful condition. Every problem eventually has a solution. P Tell me when this thread is updates (Registration is no 1,rwgwred)„..--»-.^`•' Showing posts 1 -13 of 13 a Random Topix Page PERSONAL FINANCE -12 MONTH CD CIT Bank APY: 1.01% Min to Earn APY: $10001 Promo APT. 1.01 % Last Updated 027072013 Discover Bank MY: 0.90% Mid. to Earn APV: 525001 Pram eAPY: 0.90% Last Updated 021072013 Data Presided by Interne Research Services MORTGAGES [ See current mortgage rates ] Amount: Loan Type: 1200,000 1 1.30 Year Fixed Conforming—„ - .. Searph] SCHERTZ SCHOOL SPORTS Lobo boys hoops get Buffaloed E2-77 L Lady Lobo basketball cruises past Lockhart on S... I Steele boys, girls take 2nd In 2&5A Heights pressed by pesky Clemens i Lehman. Hays gids basketball in the battle for - Mom Schorr School Sports from Topix u i Lazy Garoemi'sworkshop set 1. Mlamn wMm1s We adding Three fulfillment c.:. a Two New Studies Show Booning Local Economy 2 of4 2/7/2013 1:48 PM Doglpark- WikipBdia, the free encyclopedia Dog park From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wik7i/Dog_park This article is about the exercise area for dogs; !here is also a Dog Park (movie). A dog park is a park for dogs to exercise and play off -leash in a controlled environment under the supervision of their owners. These parks have varying features, although they typically offer a 4' to 6' fence; separate, double -gated entry and exit points; Late drainage; benches for humans; shade for hot days; s; close 0 iT a site; water; tools to pick up and dispose of animal waste in covered trash cans; and regular maintenance and cleaning of the grounds. Dog parks may also offer wheel -chair access, a pond for swimming; and a separate enclosure for small dogs. Contents ■ 1 Benefits of off -leash dog parks ■ 2 Concerns with off -leash dog parks j ■ 3 Children in dog parks ■ 4 Community solutions: Instant dog parks and unfenced dog parks ■ 5 Weather considerations ■ 6 Dog parks growth ■ 7 See also ■ 8 References ■ 9 External links Benefits of off -leash clog parks Off -leash dog areas, or dog parks, provide' a community setting in which people can gather and socialize)11 and where they can observe the interaction of groups of dogs at play. Dog parks not only allow owners and their dogs to spend time together, but also offer dogs a space for play and companionship with other dogs.l21 Because leashes can cause dogs to become territorial, 131 spending time off -leash in a park may be beneficial for a dog. Organizations like the ASPCA believe that dog parks are beneficial to both dogs and dog owners. 143 According to Dan Emerson of Dog Channel.com, proponents of dog parks cite the following benefits: "They promote responsible pet ownership and The recently renovated Tompkins Square Park dog run was the first in New York City, and it was recently named one of the top five dog parks in the United States by Dog Fancy magazine. Dogs playing in Milwaukee Area Dog I Parks The Danny Jackson Family Bark Park in Houston, Texas is a dog park operated by the Harris County I of 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog1park- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the enforcement of dog -control laws; give dogs a place to exercise safely, thus reducing barking and other problem behaviors; provide seniors and disabled owners with an accessible place to exercise their companions; and provide an area for community -building socializing." E51 Dog park regulations vary from park to park, but some are quite extensive and comprehensive. [6] In the U.S., Great Britain, and Australia, the number of dog owners has grown by several millions from the 1990s to the 2000s, and the number of dogs per household has also increased. [7][8][91[ 101 In her 2007 Master's Thesis, Dog Parks: Benefits and Liabilities (http://repository.upenn.edii /cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=mes_capstones) , author Laurel Allen wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_park government A Great Dane lounges on a picnic table in Meir Park, Tel Aviv. "In urban environments dogs are generally confined to a crate, portions of the home, or small sections of the yard most of the time. Typically, dogs are taken on daily walks, but because of strict leash laws, they cannot run free or easily socialize with other dogs." Studies have shown that people find it easier to talk to each other with dogs as the initial focus, breaking down the usual social barriers that make people in our society perceive others as strangers.[111 Research has also shown that dogs improve people's health (by lowering their blood pressure) and increase resistance to disease by giving people unconditional love and companionship. They reduce anxiety and depression, stimulate people to exercise, connect people with others and help redevelop a sense of purpose. [121p3) The unconditional love of a companion animal is very beneficial for the elderly,[ 141 many of whom are unable to properly exercise their dogs and who stand to benefit from taking their dogs to a dog park.[1 I Dogs playing "catch" Additional benefits of a dog park to the community include promothig responsible dog ownership,1161 as well as accommodating dogs and their owners in a public open space, which has been shown to lead dog owners to higher levels of compliance with relevant laws.[]71 The benefits of exercise for dogs is well documented,[ 181 although dogs can learn and reinforce bad behaviors if owners are not vigilant or careful.[191 Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, cautions that the dog park should not be used as a substitute for a daily walk. He suggests that the owners walk their dogs briskly for 35 minutes to calm them before placing them unleashed inside a dog park enclosure.[201 Dogs that are highly socialized and exercised are healthier and happier, and less aggressive in behavior. E21] They are less likely to baric, or be destructive or aggressive if they are able to expend pent-up energy during regular play or exercise. (22] Concerns with off -leash clog parrs 2 of9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog park- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia M Establishing a dog park can create contention within a community when residents worry about noise, smell, and traffic. E231 The town of Leesburg took eight years to approve a small dog park in Loudoun County, Virginia that will hold only 20 dogs at once. E241 The town of South Windsor, CT built a Bark Park on town owned land within a few hundred feet of private residences, without discussion nor notification of the homeowners. The homeowners hear barking dogs and car while in their hbmes. Allen, author of Dog Parks: Benefits http://en.wikipedia.org/w1ki/Dog—park Dog beach at Coronado, California. ancT-L-iabilities (http://repository.upenn.edu /egi/viewcontent.egi?article=1017&context=mes_capstones) points out that very few experienced experts in park design or dog behavior are consulted during the design process of dog parks: Most dog parks result from the perceived needs of a local dog owners' community without guidance or input from experienced park designers, veterinarians or experts on dog �j behavior. There is no comprehensive reference manual outlining the requirements for the design of a safe and well-maintained dog park. The only available reference for local dog park advocates is Susyn Stecchi's So You Want to Build a Dog Park? (2006), which was written from the perspective of an AAI lA certified animal hospital practice manager and dog owner and co-founder of the first public dog park in Florida; Susyn operates a business that promotes dog park construction, called DogParks USA. Untapped authorities who could be used to assist novices in the design of dog parks include livestock farmers, cattlemen and ranchers, game -farmers, veterinarians, kennel owners, and zookeepers most of whom have had decades of experiences with animal husbandry. Some experts caution that a dog park is no substitute for the daily walk, l251 and contend that if owners walk their dogs on the leash for at least 20-30 minutes per day and play with them for 15 minutes daily, their dogs will be well -adjusted to the urban environment. Before introducing a dog park to the community, it is best to plan - '" thorou hl ,1261 advocate for a park on the local level with partners that can help,l271 like public parks staff,l28] solicit for finding, and establish a set of firm rules that will be strictly enforced by dog park officiats.l291 A primary objective - and one• of the toughest - is to ensure that the location is appropriate for the dogs, their owners, and the community. l301 The park should Dogs in Grange Park (Toronto) not be placed in environmentally sensitive areas, and it must be free of poisonous plants that might hurt the dogs and dangerous topography such as steep cliffs that might present a danger to their owners. The second objective is to ensure that the park is safe for dogs,. people, and wildlife. This generally will require the park to be a some distance away from traffic to mitigate any concerns, and always requires an appropriate fence or barrier to ensure that dogs do not run away and end up in precarious situations, and adequate lighting if dog parks are open past sunset. A third objective is to make sure the size of the dog park is. appropriate. Dog parks that are too big can result in 3 of9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog parK- Wikip6dia, the free encyclopedia opportunities for dogs to learn and demonstrate anti -social, dominant behavior, which can result in fights without swift intervention by their guardians. Smaller dog park allows an owner to react more quickly if their dog becomes unruly, but these allow only a few dogs in at a time.1311 Allowing dogs off -leash in the safety of a dog park is an excellent way to socialize dogs, but they must be supervised at all times. When people converse with each other they can lose sight of their dogs, which can lead to trouble.1321 Some owners are unaware of "dog language" and inadvertently read signs of aggression where there are none. Still others ignore warning signs or mistakenly think that a stiff wagging tail means that a dog is friendly.[331 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_park A Doberman Pinscher in a dog park in Hod Hasharon, Israel Some people keep their dogs locked up in a crate during the week, only to unleash their dogs in a dog park on the weekend without proper exercise, creating issues; and still others allow dogs with illnesses or unvaccinated dogs to run alongside healthy dogs. l341 Dogs who are shy or aggressive can learn to interact safely with other dogs if their owners take the time to learn about dog behavior and acclimate them at the dog park. The right kind of socialization is essential to the normal development of a family pet. Dogs are social creatures that crave the attention of people and the companionship of other dogs. This ability to spend time productively with both people and play with other dogs does not just come about naturally, it must be carefully fostered.['] Ofeash Area Segregation: Some dog parks have separate play spaces for large and small dogs. Others have one large area for dogs of all sizes. There is debate about this issue, as some argue that dogs should be segregated by size (see reference for one example in an editorial column of a newspaper),[35] while others feel that dogs of all sizes can and should socialize together. In any case, dog owners must make sure their dogs are well -socialized, and watch carefully so that they can intervene if the dog acts anti -socially towards other dogs or humans. Children in dog parks As a rule small children should not be taken inside dog parks, although opinions differ. Many dog parks forbid children from entering for the obvious reason that an over excited dog can bump a child during aggressive play, causing a fall, or, worse, bite the child. [161 Some dog parks allow children inside if they are properly chaperoned by an adult.['] The general agreement is that adults should be cautious about bringing children inside a dog park and be aware that it is hard to keep a careful eye on both the dog and their child. Before entering a dog park, children should be told about the dangers of petting a strange dog; cautioned not to run or scream inside the enclosure; and to stand still if a dog tums aggressive.1373 Community solutions: Instant dog parks and unfenced dog parks I o f e 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog park- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Instant Dog Parks: Communities that desperately need cheap or free new off leash parks can simply re -purpose an underused tennis court as a new off leash area. Some communities have great success using pools, ice rinks, hockey rinks[38][391 and tennis courts in the off season as makeshift dog parks. It is an inexpensive, practical, and quick way to solve a problem. Equestrian facilities, riding rings, warehouses, abandoned lots, tennis and basketball courts with cracked or poor surfacing, all make good off leash areas. For an example see an image of a converted baseball field at Joe Station Dog Park in Tulsa. (http://joestationdogpark.com/) Municipalities can offer a zoning variance and/or tax incentive, and liability waiver to anyone with a fenced pasture who is willing to let local dog owners use it.140] http://en.wikipedia.org/wild/Dog_park Standard poodles at a water hydrant in a dog park This along with allowing a property owner to install a donation box at the pastures gate provides incentive for a private land owner to help out the community at little cost to citizens and taxpayers. The constant traffic to and from dog parks can add safety to a community. The dog park at the Congressional Cemetery in Washington D.C. was planned to deter local drug transactions and was successful in this endeavor.[41 ] Unfenced Dog Parks: Dog owners can find suitable off -leash space in many fenced dog parks and in a few unfenced areas where dogs are permitted off -leash. Prospect Park in Brooklyn is a national model for incorporating off -leash space without fencing, into a large multi -use park.l4�1 Portland offers several unfenced off -leash dog areas with limited hours and restrictions. [431, An unfenced dog park can present challenges to residents who live nearby or whose property abuts the park, especially if dog owners bring dogs that are not properly trained to follow commands.l44] Weather considerations Hot Weather: Unless plenty of shade and water are available, dog parks can be brutal for active canines in hot weather. "Symptoms of heatstroke include restlessness, excessive thirst, heavy panting, lethargy, lack of appetite, dark tongue, vomiting, and lack of coordination." E451 Dehydration, canine sunburn, and overheating can result in serious health problems.[46] On stiflingly hot days dogs must have ear and should not be permitted to tun and play for too long. It is best to take pets to the dog park early in the morning before temperatures rise. [47] SVNAJU_ Canine friends enjoy wintry play in an Ohio dog park Cold Weather: Except for puppies and old dogs, and hairless or short -haired dogs, most dogs don't notice the cold in winter. They may take up to a month to acclimate to cold weather, however, and it is advisable to keep them inside if the temperatures dip too far below freezing. E483 Water might not be readily available at dog parks in winter, so owners should make sure that fresh unfrozen water is available. Barker Field (http://friendsofbarkerfield.org/) in Richmond, Virginia notifies owners that the water tap is turned off during the cold months. After exercising their dogs in cold weather, owners should check tender paws and provide their dogs with warmth as soon as play time is over.[49] 5 of9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog park- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia rt� Dog parks growth http://en.w ikip edi a.orgtw i ki/ Dog_park December 2011: Dog parks are the fastest-growing segment of city parks. There were 569 off -leash dog parks in the 100 largest U.S. cities in 2010, a 34 percent jump in 5 years, while overall parks increased only 3 percent. Portland, Oregon has the highest per capita with 5.7 dog parks for every 100,000 residents. There are now more households with dogs than with kids of 43 million and 38 million respectively. "It's a playground for people without kids."[501 See also ■ Dog parks: Wikipedia Category References 1. ^ The Benefits of a Dog Exercise and Education Park (http://www.peihuinanesocietj,.coni /park.htm) 2. ^ "Creating a Dog Park for Your Community" (http://www.bestfriends.org/archives/foruins /090604dogparks.html) . Bestfriends.org. 2004-09-06. http://www.bestfriends.orglarchives /forums/090604dogparks.html. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 3. ^ ° 6 "Avoiding Onleash Dog Aggression" (http://www.canineuniversity.com/articles /behavior/behave_I0.html). Canineunivers ity.com. littp://www.canincuiiiversit7y.com/ai-ticles /behavior/behave I0.htmL Retrieved 2012-05-08. 4. ^ "ASPCA Position About Dog Parks" (http://www.aspca.orgtabout-tis/policy-positions /dog-parks.html) . Aspca.org. hftp://www.aspca.orglabout-us/policy-positions /dog-parks.html. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 5. ^ "How to Start a Dog Park" (hftp://www.dogchannel.com/media /dog-magazines/d ogfancy/start-a-dog- park.aspx.pdf) (PDF). http://www.dogchannel.com/media /d og-magazines/d ogfancy/start-a-dog- park.aspx.pdf. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 6. ^ "The New York Council of Dog Owner Groups" (http://nycdog.org/NYCdogFreeservei- /DLdoes/Poster Apr06.pdJ) . http://nyedog.org /NYCdogFreeserver/DLdoes/Poster_Apr06.pdf. 7. ^ The Humane Society of the United States: Pet Ownership Statistics (http://www.lisus.org /pets/i ss ues_affecti ng_o ur_pets /pet _ overpopulation _ and_ ownership_statisties /us_pet_ownership_statistics. htm I) 8. ^ "U.S. Pet Ownership 2007" (http://www.avma.org/reference/marketstats /ownership.asp) . Avma.org. littp://ivww.avina.org/reference/marketstats /ownership.asp. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 9: ^ "Dog Owners Dish Out More Dosh on Their Pets" (http://www.petclubuk.com/p/pet-info/dogs Mews/dog-owners-d ish-o ut-more-dosh-on-their- pets/1156) . Petclubuk.com. http://www.petclubuk.com/p/pet-info/dogs /news/dog-owners-d ish-out-more-dos h -o n -the i r- pets/1156. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 10. ^ "PetNet - Promoting Socially Responsible Pet Ownership" (http://www.petnet.com.au /petstatistics.asp) . http://www.petnet.com.au /petstatistics.asp. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 11. ^ "Studies Show Walkingthe Dog Helps Meet People" (http://www.petplace.com/dogs/studies- slho w-wa lki ng -the -dog -he I ps-p eop le -meet -people /pagel.aspx) . Petplace.com. http://www. petp lace.com/dogs/studies- show-walking-the-dog-helps-peop le -meet -people /pagel.aspx. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 12. ^ "Benefits of Owning a Pet" (http://www.vital- aging-network.org/Resources—for—Vita]_Living /Health_ and Fitness /68/Essay_Benefits_of Owning_a_Pet.html) . Vital-aging-network.org. http://www.vital-aging- network.org/Resources_for—Vital—Living /Health_ and Fitness /68/Essay_Benefits_of Owning a_Pet.html. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 13. ^ "Pets and People: The Bonds Grow Stronger", Pet Business, February 1990 6 of 9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog park•- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 14. ^ Therapeutic Aspects of the Human -Companion Animal Interaction, Sandra B. Barker, Pli.D. (http://www.psyciiiatrictiines.conVdisplay/article /10168/54671) Retrieved 3-18-2009 15. ^ "What Are the Community Benefits?" (hftp://www.lowgapdogpark.org/) . Lowgapdogpark.org. http://www.lowgapdogpark.org/. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 16. ^ %at is a Dog Park? (http://whitewaterdogpark.org /WhatisaDogPark. htm) 17. ^ "Why Go to a Dog Park?" (http:/hvww.sequimdogparks.org/benefits.plip) . Sequimdogparks.org.2010-10-07. http://www.sequimdogparl(s.org/benefits.plip. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 18. ^ Sally Elliott. "Exercise an important routine for pets and their humans" (liftp://www.newsadvance.conV[na/lifestyles /pets/article /exercise _an_ important -routine _for _pets _and_th eir_humans/143771) . Newsadvance.com. http://w%vw.newsadvance.com/Ina/lifestyles /pets/article /exercise_ an -important _routine_for pets_and th eir_Itumans/14377/. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 19. ^ Dog Parks: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (http://www.animalfannfoundation.org /item.php?item=441) Retrieved 3-19-2009 20. ^ 4 Tips for the Dog Park (http://ca.l i festyle.yahoo.co m/pets-dogs/b log /dogwhisperer/98/4-tips-for-the-dog-park) Retrieved 3-19-2009 21. ^ "Puppy Socialization - Don't Neglect This Important Part of Training Your Dog" (http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articies /puppy -social ization-dont-neglect-this-impo rtant- part-of-training-your-dog-724036.html) . Articlesbase.com. http://www.articiesbase.com /pets-articles/puppy-social ization-dont-neglect- tliis-i mportant-part-o f -train i ng-your-dog- 724036.html. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 22. ^ "Why lt's Important for Dogs to Play" (http://www.petplace. coin/dogs/why- it-s-important-for-dogs-to-play/pagel.aspx) . 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Retrieved 2012-05-08. 26. ^ "The Case For Space" (littp://www.freeplay.org/caseforspace.pdO (PDF). http://www.freeplay.org/caseforspace.pdf. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 27. ^ "Town of Chapel Hill Dog Park Memorandum" (http://townliall.townofchapelhill.org/archives /agendas/ca010122 /4e-Dog%20Park"/o20report.htm) . Townhal I.townofchapelhill. org. http://townhal l.townofchapel hi I1. org(arch ives /agendas/ca010122 /4e-Dog°/"20Park%20report.htm. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 28. ^ "Position Paper, Santa Barbara" (http://thedogsbestfriend.com/dogpark.htm) . Tltedogsbestfriend.com. 2008-07-10. littp://thedogsbestfriend.com/dogpark.htm. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 29. ^ "Rules of the Park" (http://nycdog.org /NYCdogFreeserver/DLdocs/Poster_Apr06.pd0 (PDF). http://nycdog.orgINYCdogFreeserver /DLdocs/Poster Apr06.pdf. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 30. ^ "Dog Parks, Dog Runs, and Off Leash Play" (littp://www.dogplay.coiiVActivities /dogpark.html) . Dogplay.com. littp://www.dogplay.com/Activities/dogpark.htmi. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 31. ^ "4 Paws University" (littp://www.4pawsu.com /dogparks.htm) . 4pawsu.com. http://www.4pawsu.com/dogparks.htm. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 32. ^ "Dog Parks and Dog Park Behavior" (littp://www.cooperativedog.com/articles /dog_parks.htm) . Cooperativedog.com. littp://www.cooperativedog.com/articles 7 of 9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog park- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_park External links ■ Dog Parks (ASPCA) (http://www.aspcabehavior.org/articles/58/Dog-Parks-.aspx) 8 of9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM /dog parks.htm. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 44. ^ "Neighbors Growl About New Dog Park" 33. ^ Understanding Your Dog's Body Language (http://www.boston.conVyourtown/news/newton (http://www.caret.com/greenliving/understand- /2009/03/neighbors_ffowl_about-new dog.html) your-dogs-body-language.html#) . Boston.com. 2009-03-20. 34. ^ Why Dog Parks Are Bad http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/newton (http://www.k9disctlirills.com /2009/03/neighbors_growl_about_new_dog.html. /thingsyou_need _to_know) Retrieved 2012-05-08. 35. ^ "Size Matters at the Dog Park" 45. ^ "Hot Weather Can be Deadly for Dogs" (http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle (http://www.peta.org/me/Newsltem.asp?id=6612) /I8666824.html) . Startribune.com. 2008-05-07. . Peta.org. http://www.peta.org http://www.startribune.coiTYlifestyle /mc/News Item. asp?id=6612. Retrieved /18666824.html. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 2012-05-08. 36. ^ "Children In Dog Parks Dog Parks Are Not 46. ^ "Dog Summertime Dangers" Playgrounds" (http://Avww.upperdublin.net (http://dogs.lovetoknowcom /ine/documents/26/ChildrenlnDogParks.pdo /wiki/Dog_Summertime_Dangers) . (PDF). http://www.upperdublin.net Dogs. lovetoknow.com. /ine/documents/26/ChildrenlnDogParks.pdf. http://dogs.lovetoknow.com Retrieved 2012-05-08. /wiki/Dog_Summertime_Dangers. Retrieved 37. ^ ° b Houston Dog Park 2012-05-08. (http://www.houstondogpark.org(awareness.htm) 47. ^ "Tips for Caring For Pets in Hot Weather" 38. ^ "New Dog Park Possibilities Proposed" (littp://Ittimesblogs.latimes.com/unleashed (http://wwwfbiw.org/Arcliive/dogpark.litm) . /2008/06/think-its-a-lit.html) . Fbiw.org. http://wwwfbiw.org(Archive Latimesb logs. latimes.com. 2008-06-19. /dogpark.htm. Retrieved 2012-05-08. http:Hlatimesblogs.latimes.com/unleashed 39. ^ City of Eden Prairie Dog Parks /2008/06/think-its-a-lit.html. Retrieved (http://www.edenprairie.org/vcurrent 2012-05-08. /live/article.asp?r-2236) 48. ^ "Cold Weather Complications" 40. ^ Play ground or dog park? (http://www.canismajor.com/dogtwinter2.httnl) . (http://www.westhawaiitoday.com/articles Canismajoccom. http://www.canismajor.com /2008/12/19/local/loca102.txt) /dog/winter2.htm1. Retrieved 2012-05-08. 41. ^ "Congressional Cemetery Dog Park" 49. ^ Heating Up Chilly Dogs (http://wikimapia.org/9832/Congressional- (http://www.petpublishing.com/dogken Cemetery -Dog -Park) . Wikimapia.org. /news/pfizer0l .shtml) http://wikimapia.org(9832/Congressional- 50. ^ "Fastest-growing urban parks are for the dogs" Cemetery -Dog -Park. Retrieved 2012-05-08. (littp://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story 42. ^ "Dog Runs NY City" /2011-12-07/dog-parks/51715340 (http://www.nyegovparks.org(facilities/dogruns) . /I?csp=34news&utm_source=feedbumer& Nycgovparks.org. http://www.nyegovparks.org utm_medium=feed& /facilities/dogruns. Retrieved 2012-05-08. utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday- 43. ^ "DogFriendly.com's Travel Guide: Portland's NewsTopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29) Unfenced Off -Leash Dog Areas" . USA Today. 2011-12-07. (http://www.dogfriendly.com/server/travel http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story /uscities/guides/us/FOLDERor /2011-12-07/dog-parks/51715340 /usonlineor823playpo.shtml) . Dogfriendly.com. /I?csp=34news&utm_source=feedbumer& 2007-01-26. http://www.doffriendly.com/servei- utm_medium=feed& /travel/uscities/guides/us/FOLDERor utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday- /usonlineor823playpo.slhtml. Retrieved NewsTopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29. 2012-05-08. Retrieved December 8, 2011. External links ■ Dog Parks (ASPCA) (http://www.aspcabehavior.org/articles/58/Dog-Parks-.aspx) 8 of9 2/7/2013 1:50 PM Dog Park- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedi a.org/w iki /Dog_park Dog Parks Benefits and Liabilities, Laurel Allen, University of Pennsylvania (http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=mes_capstones) The Evolution of Dog Parks (http://www.somdog.org/join its/park_neighborhoods/nunziato/extras /Kochan_2008_June.pdo The Effect of Pet Ownership on Overall health (http://clearinghouse.missouriwestem.edu /manuscripts/281.php) Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dog_tark&oldid=534564478" Categories: Dogs as pets Dog parks This page was last modified on 23 January 2013 at 22:46. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. 9 of 2/7/2013 1:50 PM H.P.R:R.D. Park Rules & Regulations http://www.houstontx.gov/parks/parkruies.html Home I Want To... Government Residents Business Departments Visitors En Espanol iw w.houstwmx.gov> Parks > H.P.A.R.D. Park Rules & ReguNtbns Houston Parks and Recreation Department About Us Links Department Overview Department Divisions HPARD Directors Timbre Pah Histories COH Park Ordinarrces Park Rules & Regulations Department Links Home Art in Parks About Art h Packs by Artist Art o Parks by Tdle Parks Sports & Reaeaton Activities Pools Tennle Golf Trails Skate Parks Fitness Centers Summer Food Program Calendar Community Centers is Faci tles Community Projects Urban ForeRry Urban Gareenmg Natural Areas & NaWe Vagetaton Rentals Permits Reports & Pubicators About Us Media Contact Us Ste Map H.P.A,R.D. Park Ru es & Regulations o Park hours are from dawn to dusk o Glass containers are prohibited. !� n Alcoholic beverage consumption is prohibited o Uttering Is prohibited. Use trash receptacles o Scooters and skateboards prohibited o Motorized vehicles prohibited off roadways and beyond parking areas n Improperly,parked vehicles will be towed o Two hour parking for patrons only u Vending or sales prohibited without permit e Hunting or use of firearms prohibited' e Dogs are to remain on leash at all times o Pet owners are required to pick up after pets Ordinance 2003-1275, Sec. 6-24 o Plants and animals are protected - do not remove or molest o Control noise levels - please be respectful of others o Destroying public property Is prohibited by Title 19, Chapter 191 of the Government Code of Texas v For a complete list of Park Rules and Regulations, please visit the City of Houston Code of Ordinances, Chapter 32. Home 311 Help & Info En Espadol Contact Us FAQs Privacy Policy Citizens Net ® 2013 Copyright, City of Houston. Ag Rights Reserved Site best viewed at 128D x 1024 screen she I of l sZlp; Share 2/7/2013 1:53 PM Preliminary D®g Park Design An architect in our group, Jeremy Schlicher, has volunteered to assist W.O.O.F. with designing a safe, environmentally friendly, beautiful park. On the design plan below, which would be on about 3.8 acres o the 21.25 -acre Sunnyside Park, Wornall is to the right (east) of the park, and to the left are many acres of park space leading Summit. To the south is 84th Street. The dog park would run from the southeast corner (behind McDonalds and other businesses) and then widen, fanning up into part of the shaded, tree area, while steering clear of the proposed fenced spraygound and ball diamonds. (See inset diagram. The proposed dog park would be approximately 3.8 acres of the nearly 22 acres in Sunnyside Park.) Our dog park would still allow plenty of room for kids to play sports in the rest of the park and leave walking paths going completely around the park for people to walk and exercise outside of the fenced dog park. Jeremy's design is green -friendly and includes rainwater management through swales, raingardens and rain water collection systems. The dog park will also include a separate small -dog area, a smz Preliminary Dog Park Design An architect in our group, Jeremy Schlicher, has volunteered to assist W.O.O.F. with designing a safe, environmentally friendly, beautiful park. On the design plan below, which would be on about 3.8 acres o the 21.25 -acre Sunnyside Park, Wornall is to the right (east) of the park, and to the left are many acres of park space leading Summit. To the south is 84th Street. The dog park would ran from the southeast corner (behind McDonalds and other businesses) and then widen, fanning up into part of the shaded, tree area, while steering clear of the proposed fenced spraygound and ball diamonds. (See inset diagram. The proposed dog park would be approximately 3.8 acres of the nearly 22 acres in Sunnyside Park.) Our dog park would still allow plenty of room for kids to play sports in the rest of the park and leave walking paths going completely around the park for people to walk and exercise outside of the fenced dog park. Jeremy's design is green -friendly and includes rainwater management through swales, raingardens and rain water collection systems. The dog park will also include a separate small -dog area, a smz Y F s multi -use courtyard and will be ADA -compliant (handicap -accessible). Jeremy worked many hours on this project and is committed to seeing it through if the proposal is accepted. You may contact the architect, Jeremy Shlicher, at DogParkDesign(@hotmail.com with comments, questions or suggestions. On the design below, Wornall is to the east (right), Summit is to the west (left), and 84th Street is to the south (bottom). SchemalicDogP.arkSilesma�ler.lVG Possible Features of W.O.O.F.'s Off - Park Sche it Fif ICDe. sign lntentsma ller.j pg Dog Areas/Site • There will be three dog areas; two for large dogs that will rot use seasonally and one small dog area • Dog areas will be completely partitioned by a fence and will employ a double gated entry • Ratio of dog area will be approx. 2:2:1 • There will be an evergreen (Eastern Red Cedar) wind screen along the South and West edges of the dog park • Any portion of the current trail that is removed to create the park will be replaced in an equal manner • All partitioned dog areas and the dog park courtyard will be compliant • The dog park project will employ green and sustainable practices wherever physically possibly and financially feasib. • Follow rain water BMP (best management practices) • This is natural management of rain water through swales, rain gardens and rain water collection systems ! Fence , ': i Dag\park_Cibolo Description Cost Subtotal Fencing a rox 500 If @ 6-0 tall $ 11,250.00 $ 11,250.00 Shade structures (3 ea @ 18 x 36) $ 24,000.00 $ 35,250.00 Plumbin (5 spickets, excludes underground) $ 950.00 $ 36,200.00 Benches (6 ea/wood) $ 4,500.00 $ 40,700.00 Parkin Lot (approx 10 spaces) $ 10,538.00 $ 51,238.00 Trash cans 10 ea $ 1,000.00 $ 52,238.00 Signage $ 750.00 $ 52,988.00 $ - $ 52,988.00 Total $ 52,988.00 Dau Park Cibolo Description Cost Subtotal Fencing (approx 500 If @ 6-0 tall) $ 11,250.00 $ 11,250.00 Shade structures (3 ea @ 18 x 36) $ 24,000.00 $ 35,250.00 Plumbing(5 spickets, excludes underground) $ 950.00 $ 36,200.00 Benches 6 ea/wood) $ 4,500.00 $ 40,700.00 Parking Lot (a prox 10 spaces) $ 10,538.00 $ 51,238.00 Trash cans 10 ea $ 1,000.00 $ 52,238.00 Signage $ 750.00 $ 52,988.00 $ - $ 52,988.00 $ $ Total $ 52, 988.00 Dag Park_ Cibolo Description Cost Subtotal Fencing (ap rox 500 If @ 6-0 tall) $ 11,250.00 $ 11,250.00 Shade structures (3 ea @ 18 x 36) $ 24,000.00 $ 35,250.00 Plumbin (5 spickets, excludes underground) $ 950.00 $ 36,200.00 Benches (6 ea/wood) $ 4,500.00 $ 40,700.00 Parking Lot approx 10 spaces) $ 10,538.00 $ 51,238.00 Trash cans 10 ea) $ 1,000.00 $ 52,238.00 Signage $ 750.00 $ 52,988.00 $ $ 52,988.00 Total $ 52,988.00 Dag Park_Cibolo Description Cost Subtotal Fencing a prox 500 If @ 6-0 tall) $ 11,250.00 $ 11,250.00 Shade structures (3 ea @ 16 x 36) $ 24,000.00 $ 35,250.00 Plumbing(5 spickets, excludes underground) $ 950.00 $ 36,200.00 Benches (6 ea/wood) $ 4,500.00 $ 40,700.00 Parking Lot (approx 10 spaces) $ 10,538.00 $ 51,238.00 Trash cans 10 ea $ 1,000.00 $ 52,238.00 Signage $ 750.00 $ 52,988.00 $ $ 52,988.00 Total $ 52,988.00 T% Sign up I Sign In Local News'. Schertz. h 2 3 POLITIX Should handguns be banned along with assault rifles? �o .•HOME FO TORIES POPULAR LOCAL Dog Park Posted in the Scher rk?Forum vnw druyskaa.colwwR�°"n Searching for Dog PeLZOOMP Far!Itl. Free Shipping On 525 User Reviews. Buy ,boarn Searching for 009 Park9 y„y=.harewvrhe rcurvgPrAyPaa poq Po11ly GWed For Patios & Indoors. Snips Today+Bonus CM pet petpet ppm Free shipping Reusable met looks & feels like take gross. 329 93+ Absvn u SCHERTZ News Forums & Polls Dog Park- T01sx Real.Ttme News Oatingsil' Crime Ob warles Local Palms Local Baefnbas Local Sports YelloW Pages While Pages Local Entertainment Lotto Results Photos Shopping coupons Real Estate Jobs Weather -F l ao°F Traffic l US'. POLRSCS WORLD ISPOMe ENTERTAINMENT OFFBEAT I, OTHER Read 13 comments Add to my Tracker More Schertf Disoussions a Share comments Slwaiin0 posts 7 13 of 13 411 Judge Al IRxXvt Al al Reply” 0,Wn tAWkY Aug 20, 2008 0mves� M Judged: t h'ate for Tacoma ,.r, TX sailley > , xo:.,::,. rx 1� safe Beth gpeso TX LIZ of the annual Doggie Dash I think it vrould be most appropn Park for Uis area. Provide a coffee bar them for the parents & S,,rtz Me success Srheto provide a dog p make it profitable. What fun for all!! 121 Judge at P.eport Abuse RePN" _.. __. Sep it. 208 Judged: t 1 would love to have a dog Pa,kt!!! Great idea!! ml Judge m l Report Abuse l Reply" Krista _.. I of4 Sep 12, 2008 Judged: hdriving to I would LOVE to have a dog park here in Cibolo so that I dont have to keep McCallissler every other weekendl ti -1 i Judge in I Report Abasa I Reply' Sep 28, 2008 Judged: woultl be a idea. I malithey can cost slot 'n' A dog park not nwrarlce but" the fantastic signs all say Enter At Your Own Risk', y pe 1 Judge RI I Report Aboral Reply a Oct ], 2008 Judged. tdude closer My husband and i have talked about thls many nwm/ Imes, a dog pads would be a great Ideal _.. _. tel Judge Rll'ryii+sf Reply' Oct 15, 2008 Schertz Jobs SoR�,__E .—Server pas AWbn, % Ge eyra'at Ear st San 11110 .. San "W,o, TX N p tit iVascular Sur - San Auloni 5 Ns Associate Sche K. X Qlaas A CDL OwMrgoilator Truck DrNer Sen Marcos, TX Ws, n¢ss Nurse Austln, TX Sas As Juts ,keywords Go. allocation .. Jobs by tfkafulmmol SCHERTZ DATING lul a w A I N I'm a Seeking a Age Man Woman 25 to 40 more search filters fin0 my Match No Text