Min P&Z 6/1/2010rex XS
200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108
June 1, 2010
6:00 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Planning and Zoning meeting.
1. Call to Order.
Cynthia Pettit called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. Roll Call.
Garth Coursen
Norma Mashburn
Louis Chatman
Cynthia Pettit
Josh Welch
Scottland Roddy
Sheldon Edmondson -absent
Bruce Pearson, City Manager
Robert Stricker, DCDS
Randal Anderson, Sr. Planner
Maggie Patterson, Asst. Planner
Sheila Edmondson, Asst. City Secretary
Mark Winn, Mayor Pro -Tem
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard:
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any
issue. Planning and,Zoning Commission may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action
be taken on any non -agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may
present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion — JC 0169)
(Limit of three minutes each).
None at this time.
6. D2010-001
Discussion/Action on a request by Darrell David, for a deferral from Ordinance 638, commonly
referred to as the Tree Preservation Ordinance, to remove one heritage tree from the proposed Cibolo
Commons Office Park, which is approximately a 3.0 acres tract located northwest of the intersection
of FM 3009 and Dietz Road in the City of Cibolo.
Randal Anderson briefed the Planning and Zoning Commission on the deferral request David
Darrell in reference to Ord. 638, commonly referred to as the Tree Preservation Ord. Staff has heard
the case stated by David Cancialosi and David Darrell and believe this is not an unreasonable request.
David Cancialosi went through the PowerPoint presentation handed out to the commission. David
Darrell addressed the commission and went over how he came to the decision to the deferral request.
He hired an arborist who came out to the property to access the heritage tree. The pecan tree is approx.
150-170 years old and is its last phase of life. The tree has an expectancy of approx. 10-15years left.
Garth Coursen asked how many trees would be replacing the heritage tree. David Darrell will replace
the heritage tree with approx. 20 new live oaks, red oaks and Monterey oaks. He will furnish a
complete architect's landscape drawings of what the landscape plan will be. Garth Coursen asked if the
property was to be sold before all the landscape was in, how would the city enforce the deferral
agreement? Robert Stricker explained, it the property was sold, the new owner would have to submit
new plans if they decided to change the current plans and then the city would have an opportunity to
address this at that time. Josh Welch made a motion to approve the deferral request. Louis Chatman
seconded the motion. All in favor, none against. Motion passed 5-0.
7. P2010-001
Discussion/Action/Recommendation on a request by the City of Cibolo to update the Future
Thoroughfare Map of the City of Cibolo. The portion of the City of Cibolo that will receive primary
consideration is bounded by I-35 to the west, Dean Road and Town Creek Road to the south, Weidner
Road to the east and FM 1103 to the north.
Randal Anderson briefed the Planning and Zoning Commission on the request to update
the Future Thoroughfare Map. The portion of the City of Cibolo that will receive primary
consideration is bounded by I-35 to the west, Dean Road and Town Creek Road to the south,
Weidner Road to the east and FM 1103 to the north. Garth Coursen asked if Cibolo has coordinated
with Schertz on this update change. Bruce Pearson informed the Planning and Zoning commission
that they have been communicating with Schertz on matters as such. Cynthia Pettit asked if there
was room for pedestrians/bikers in the right of way. Garth Coursen asked staff to clarify the width
of the thoroughfare. Garth Coursen made a motion to approve the update to the Future Thoroughfare
Map. Josh Welch seconded the motion. All in favor, none against. Motion passed 5 to 0.
8. Adjournment
Louis Chatman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Norma Mashburn seconded the
motion. All in favor, none against motion passed 5 to 0. Meeting ended at 7:06pm.
Cynthia Pettit, Chairman