Res 1632 01/10/2023 Agreement TXDot RofW FM 1103o. C) r` O "3 1 '* TE.X AS "City of Choice" RESOLUTION NO. 1632 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING EXECUTION. OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO: CONTRIBUTE. RIGHT-OF-WAY FUNDS (FIXED PRICE) FOR CERTAIN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS ON F1VI 1103 FROM RODEO WAY TO FM 78; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements on Highway No. FM 1103 from Rodeo Way to FM 78, and this section of highway improvements will necessitate the acquisition of certain right-of-way and the relocating and adjusting of utilities (the."Project"); and WHEREAS, the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) requires :the City :of Cibolo ("City") to financially contribute to the Project under TAC, Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 15, .Subchapter E. Rules 15.52 and 15.55; and :WHEREAS, the'City is responsible for -10% of the actual right-of-way acquisition and utility costs incurred by the State for. the Project (estimated at $90,651.80) :under the Agreement with Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) to Contribute Right -of -Way Funds (Fixed Price); and WHEREAS; the Governing Body of the. City of Cibolo desires to affirm support of the Project and approve and authorize the execution of the Agreement with TXDOT to Contribute Right -of - Way Funds for the Project and authorizes the City Manager to: make payments to. TXDOT in accordance with the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. APPROVAL. OF AGREEMENT. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement with TXDOT to Contribute Right -of -Way Funds (Fixed Price) attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The City Manager is hereby authorized to make payments to TXDOT in accordance with the Agreement and execute any and all legal documents necessary to fulfill the purpose and intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All previous Agreements in conflict herewith are repealed. 7362/9 #290526.1 SECTION 3. INCORPORATION OF: RECITALS. The City Hereby finds that the statements set forth in the recitals of this Resolution are true and correct, and the City hereby incorporates such recitals as findings of fact. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Resolution and the application thereof to other circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and this governing= body hereby declares that this Resolution would have been enacted without such invalid provision. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. :This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the City of Cibolo City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED by vote of the City Council of the City. of Cibolo, Texas at a regular meeting held on this the I Oth day of January 2023. ATTEST: PEGGY.CIMICS, TRMC City Secretary 2 7362/9 #290526.1 JWMCKS or Pro -Tem L EXHIBIT "A" County - Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio: ROW CSJ # 9268-02032 CCSJ #: 1268-02-030 Federal Project #: N/A CFDA-Title: Highway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20.205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development STATE. OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § . AGREEMENT TO CONTRIBUTE RIGHT. OF WAY FUNDS (FIXED PRICE) TH18 AGREEMENT is made by and between the State of Texas, acting through the Texas .Department of Transportation, (the:"State"),:and before City of Cibolo, Texas, acting through its duly authorized officials (the "Local Government'). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Texas Transportation Code §§ 201.103 and 222.052 establish that the State _shall design, construct, and operate a system- of highways in cooperation with local governments; and WHEREAS, :Texas Transportation Code, §§ 201.209 authorizes :the- State:: and a . Local Government to enter. into agreements in accordance with -Texas Government Code,. Chapter 791; and WHEREAS, the State has deemed it. necessary 'to make certain highway. improvements on Highway No. FM 1103 from:Rodeo Way to 1=M 78, and this section of highway improvements Will necessitate the acquisition of certain right of way and the relocating and adjusting of utilities (the."Project");.and WHEREAS, the - Local :Government requests that the State assume responsibility for ..acquisition of all -necessary right of way and adjustment of utilities for this highway project; and WHEREAS; the Local Government desires .to- enter into a fixed price joint participation agreement pursuant to .43 TAC .§15.52 to contribute -to the State funding participation as defined in 43 TAC §15.55 for the cost of. acquiring the right of way and relocating or adjusting utilities for the proper improvement of the State Highway System; WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Local Government has approved entering into this agreement by resolu ion or ordinance dated J0 -Ja✓i vvw y ., : 202,which is attached: to and made a part of this agreement as Attachment A. A map showingthe. Project. location appears in Attachment B, which is:attached to and made a part of this agreement. NOW THEREFORE; the State and the Local Government do agree:as follows: Agreement to Contribute Fixed Pricer V1.00 I Page 1 of 10 I County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio, ROW CSJ # 1268--02032 j CCSJ # : 1268-02-030 Federal Project.# NIA CFDA Title: Hiahway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20:205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development i AGREEMENT 1 s i. 1..: Agreement Period This agreement._becomes effective when signed by the last party: whose: signing makes the: agreement fully executed. This agreement shall remain in effect until the Project is completed or unless terminated as provided below. 2. Termination This agreement shall remain in effect until the Project is' completed and accepted by all parties, unless: .: . A. The agreement is terminated in,writing with the mutual consent of the. parties; B. The agreement is.terminated by one.party because of a:breach, in which case any.cost incurred because of the breach shall be paid by the breaching, party; or. C. The Project is inactive for thirty-six (36) months :or longer and no expenditures have been charged against federal funds, in which case the. State may in its discretion terminatethis agreement. 3.: local Project Sources and Uses of Funds A. The total: estimated cost of the Project is shown in Attachment C, Project Budget Estimate and Payment Schedule, which is attached to and- made a part of this agreement. The expected cash contributions from the Federal or State government, the Local Government, or other parties is shown in Attachment C. Thea Local Government shall pay to the State the amount shown in Attachment C as its :required contribution of the total cost: of the Project and shall transmit to' the State with the:, return. of this agreement, duly executed by the; Local Government, a warrant or check for the amount: and according to the payment.schedule_shown_inAttachment C. B. The Local Governments fixed. price contribution set forth in Attachment Cis not subject to adjustment:unless:.:; 1. ' site conditions change; 2.:: work requested by the. Local Government is ineligible for federal participation; or 3.. the adjustment is mutually agreed on:0y the State and the Local Government. C. if the Local Government, will perform any work under this contract for which reimbursement will be. provided by or through the: State, the Local Government must. complete training before .federal: spending authority is obligated. Training is, complete - .when at. least one individual who is working actively and. directly on: the Project successfully completes and- receives a certificate. for the: course :entitled local Government Project Procedures Qualification:. for the. Texas:: Department of .Transportation. The Local Government shall provide the.: certificate of qualification to the State. The individual .who receives the training certificate may be an employee of the Local Government or an employee of, a firm-that.has been contracted by the Local Agreement to Contribute -Fixed Price. I V1.00 I Page 2 of..10 County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio ROW CSJ # 1268-02-032 CCSJ # - 1268-02-030 Federal Project #: N/A CFDA Title: Highway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20:205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development Government to perform oversight of the Project. The State in its: discretion may deny reimbursement if'the Local Government has not designated a qualified individual to oversee the Project. D. Whenever funds are paid by, the Local Government to the State under this, agreement, the Local Government shall 'remit a warrant or check made payable to' the "Texas Department of Transportation Trust Fund." .The warrant or check shall be deposited by the :State in an escrow: account to be managed by the State. Funds in the escrow account may only be applied:to this highway project. E. Notwithstanding that this is a fixed price agreement, the Local Government agrees that in the event- any existing, future, or proposed Local Government ordinance, commissioner's court order, rule, policy,.or other directive, including, but not limited to, outdoor advertising or storm water drainage facility requirements; is more 'restrictive than State or federal regulations, or any other locally. proposed change, including, but not limited to, plats or re -plats, results in any increased costs to the State,. then the Local Government_ will pay one hundred percent (100%): of all those increased costs, even if the applicable county qualifies as an Economically Disadvantaged County (EDC). The amount of the increased costs associated with 'the existing, future, or proposed Local. Government ordinance, commissioner's court order, rule, policy, or other directive will be determined by the State at its sole discretion: F. If the Local Government is an EDC and if the State has approved adjustments to the standard financing arrangement, this agreement reflects those adjustments. G. If.the Project has been approved for an "incremental payment" non-standard funding or payment arrangement under 43 TAC §15.52, the budget in Attachment C will clearly state the incremental payment schedule. 4. Real Property in Lieu of Monetary Payment A. Contributions of real property may be credited to the Local Government's funding obligation for the cost of right of way to be acquired for this project. :Credit for all real property, other than property which is already dedicated -or in use as a public road, contributed by the. Local Government to the State shall: be based on the, property's fair market value established as of the effective date of this agreement. The fair market value shall not include increases or decreases in value caused by the project and should include the value of the land and improvements being conveyed, excluding any damages to the remainder. The amount of any credit: for real property contributed for this project is.clearly shown in Attachment C. B. The Local Government .will provide to the State all documentation to support the determined fair market value of the donated property. This documentation shall include an appraisal of the property by a licensed appraiser approved by the State. The cost of appraisal will be the responsibility of the State.'The State will review the submitted documentation and, make a final determination of value; provided however,. the State may perform any additional investigation deemed necessary,: including supplemental appraisal work by State, employees or employment of fee appraisers. 'Agreement to Contribute - Fixed Price j V1.00 I Page 3 of 10 County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio ROW CSJ # 1268-02032 CCSJ # 1268-02-030 Federal Project.#: N/A CFDA Title: Highway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20.205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development C. Credit shall be given only for property transferred at no cost to the State after the effective date of .this agreement and the issuance of spending: authority, and only for property which is necessary to complete this project, has title acceptable to the State,. and is not contaminated with hazardous materials. Credit shall be in lieu of.monetary contributions required to be paid to the State for the Local Government's funding share of the right of way to be acquiredfor this project. .The total credit cannot exceed the Local Government's matching share of the right of way obligation under this agreement, and credits cannot:be reimbursed in cash to the Local Government, applied :to project phases other than of way, nor used for other projects.. D. In the event the Local Government's monetary contributions to the State for acquisition . of right of way; when added to its real property credits, exceed the Local Government's matching :share of the right of way obligation, there..will be no refund to the Local Government of any portion of its contributed money. 5. Amendments Amendments to this agreement due to changes in the character of:the work, terms of the agreement, or responsibilitiesof the ;parties relating to the Project may be: enacted. through a mutually agreed upon, written supplemental 'agreement. 6. Notices All notices to either party- by the other required under this agreement. shall be delivered, personally or sent by certified or U.S. mail, postage prepaid,,to.the following addresses: Local Government; The Honorable e -4 Ile -n-' City of Cibolo 200 S. Main Street Cibolo, TX 78108 :-State:, Director of Right of Way Division Texas Department of Transportation 125 E. 11 r" Street Austin, Texas 78701 All notices shall be: deemedgiven on the date delivered or deposited in the mail; :unless otherwise provided by this agreement. Either party may change the above address by sending written notice: of the change to the other party. Either party. may request in writing that notices shall be. delivered personally or by certified U.S. mail and that request shall be honored and carried out by the other party. -Agreement to Contribute -.Fixed Price] V1.00 Page 4 of.10 County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio - ROW CSJ.# 1268-02-032 CCSJ # 1268-02-030 Federal Project #: NIA CFDA Title: Hig- hwav Planninq,& Construction CFDA # 20.205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development 7. Remedies This agreement shall not be- considered as specifying, the exclusive remedy for. any agreement default, but all remedies existing at: law and. in, equity may be availed of.byeither party to this agreement and shall be cumulative. -8. Legal Construction If one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, that invalidity,. illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect. any other provisions and this agreement shall be construed as if it did- not contain the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision. 9. Responsibilities of the Parties The State and the Local Government agree. that neither party is an agent, servant, or employee of the other party and each party agrees it is responsible for its individual acts: and. deeds as well asthe acts -and deeds. of its contractors, .employees, representatives, and: agents:: 10: Compliance with Laws The parties sha11 comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and. regulations, and the orders and decrees of any courts or administrative bodies or tribunals in any manner affecting the performance of this agreement. When required, the . Local Government shall furnish the State with satisfactory proof of this compliance. 11.. Sole Agreement.. . This agreement constitutes the .sole and only agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements respecting .the subject matter of this agreement. 12: Ownership of Documents . Upon completion or. termination of this agreement; all documents ,prepared. by the State shall remain the property of the State. All data prepared under this agreement shall be made available . to the State without restriction or limitation on their.: further .use. All documents produced or approved: or otherwise created by the Local Government shall be transmitted to the State in the form of photocopy reproduction on a monthly basis as required by the State. The. originals:shall remain the property of.the Local Government. At the request of the State, the Local Government shall submit any information required by the State in the format directed by the State. 13: Inspection of Books and Records . The Local Government .shall maintain all books, papers, accounting: records and- other documentation relating to costs incurred under this agreement: and shall make such materials available to the State -and, if federally funded,. the Federal Highway Administration Agreement to Contribute - fixed Price.I V1.00 i.Page 5 of 10 County Guadalupe District - 15 -Sari Antonio ROW CSJ.# 1268-02032 CCSJ # 1268-02-030 Federal Project #: N/A CFDA Title: Highway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20:205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development (FHWA) or their duly.:authorized representatives, for review- and inspection at its office during the contract period and,for four (4) years from the date of completion of work defined under this agreement or until any impending litigation,. or claims. are resolved. Additionally, the State and FHWA and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to all the governmental records that are directly applicable to this agreement for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions.. 14. State Auditor The state auditor may conduct'an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under this agreement or indirectly: through .a subcontract under this agreement. Acceptance of .funds directly under this `agreement or indirectly through a subcontract.under this agreement acts as acceptance of the authority of the. state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an.audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or. audit. 15. Procurement and Property Management Standards - The parties shall adhere to the procurement standards established in Title 49 CFR §18.36 and with the property management standard established in Title 49 CFR §18.32. 1.6. Civil. Rights Compliance The parties to this agreement shall comply with the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation as they relate to nondiscrimination (49 CFR Part 21 and 23 CFR Part 200), and Executive Order 11246 titled "Equal Employment Opportunity, as amended by Executive Order 11375 .and supplemented in the Department of Labor Regulations (4.1 CFR Part 60). 17. Applicability of Federal. Provisions Articles 18 through 23 only apply if Federal funding is used :'in the acquisition .of right of way or the adjustment. of utilities. 18. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Cost Principles.. In order to be reimbursed with federal funds, the parties shall comply with the Cost Principles. established 1n OMB Circular A-87 that specify that all reimbursed costs are allowable, reasonable, and.allocable to the Project. 13, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Requirements A. The: parties shall comply with .the DBE Program requirements established in 49 CFR Part 26. B. The Local Government shall adopt, in its totality, the State's federally approved DBE program. 'Agreement to Contribute -Fixed Pricer V1.00 I Page 6 of 10 County Guadalupe District - 15- San Antonio ROW CSJ # 1268-02432 CCSJ # 126802-030 Federal Project # '- AM CFDA'Title: Highway Planning & Construction CFDA.# 20:205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development C. The Local Government shall set an appropriate DBE goal consistent with 'the State's DBE guidelines and in consideration of the local market, :project. size, and nature :of the goods or services to be acquired. The. Local Government ;shall have final ,decision- making. authority regarding the DBE goal and shall be responsible for documenting its. actions. D: The Local Government shall follow ail other parts .of the State's DBE program referenced in :TxDpT :Form 2395, Mem.m, orandum: of: Understanding Regarding the Adoption of the : Texas Department of Transportation's Federally. -Approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise by Entity, and 'attachments found at -web address iittaa/txdot:aovlbusiness/business . outreachlmou.fatm: E. The Local Government shall h6tdiscrim nate on the basis of race,. color, national -origin,. or sex in Elie award and, performance .of zany UIS. Department of Transportation (DOT)- assisted contract: or in the: administration of 'its DBE. program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26: The Local Government .shall- take: all necessary and reasonable- steps: under 49. CFR Part 26 to ensure non-discrimination in 'award and adminlStrBtlOn Of DOT= assisted contracts: The .State's DBE program, as required by 49'C.FR Part 26 and at approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this. agreement. Implementation of this -program Is a legal obligatlon.andfailure.to Garry out Its terms Shall be treated as a violation of this agreement: Upon notification to the Local Government of its failure to carry out :its approved program, the State may impose sanctions :as provided for under 49 CFR Part 26 and ray, in appropriate. cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18: USC 1001 and the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 USC 3801 et seq.). F: Each contract the Local Government signs with acontractor -(and each _subcontract the prime contractor signs.with a sub -contractor) must include the following assurance: The contractor,. sub -recipient, or. sub ,contractor shall Apt discriminate on the basis of race; color, national origin, or sex in the performance of 'this contract The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Fart 26 in the award and administration of DO -T -assisted contracts: Failure -by fh& b6ntractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this agreement, which may result in the termination of -this agreement or such- other remedy as the recipient deems. appropriate. -20. Debarment Certification The .parties. are prohibited :fro.m making any award at any tier to any ,party that is debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded .from or ineligible for participation in .Federal Assistance Programs under Executive Order 12549, °Debarmennt and Suspension." By executing this agreement, the Local Government certifies that it is not currently debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal Assistance Programs under Executive Order 12549 and. further certifies that it will not do business with-: any party`that-is.currently debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or. Ineligible for - participation in Federal Assistance Programs under Executive Order 12649. The parties to this .contract shall require any party to a .subcontract or purchase :order awarded .under this Agreement to Contribute: Fixed Price] V1.001.Page 7 of 10 County Guadalupe District 15- Sari Antonio ROW 'CSJ_#, 1268-02-M2 CCSJ # 1268-02-'030 Federal Prpject#::.-: '..N/A CFDA Title; Highway Planning & Construction CFDA# 20:205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and DeVelopment contract to certify its eligibility igibility to,reciaive federal funds and, when n requested. by the State, to furnish 'a copy of the certification.. :21, Lobbying Certification In executing this agrbbmerit, each signatory certifies 'to the best of that signatory's knowledge and belief, that: X No federal appropri ted funds have been. b or on behalf of the paid or :will paid y parties to :any person for influencing or Att&m­'ptfn9J6 infibando an officer or employee of any federal -.agpnqy, qMemb& of Congress, an officer - erhployee,of Congress, or..an ..ffik, or employee of a Member of Congress in do:''dcti 'nin with the -awarding: of any 16deral n, o w contract, the making of any federal I grant, the making of ,aq1ederal'loan,'the entering into of any cooperative qdrqemeht' and the extension; continuation, - renewal, amendment, or -modification of any federal c0rittadt: grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. B. If any funds other than federal appropriated -funds have been paid orwill . ill be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to ififluenm an officer of empl6yde of any agency, a Member of Congress, a'n.officer or.6mpipyeebfCongress, oran'em'ploye6Qf a,, ember of -Congress in connection' with federal contracts., -graht!§,_ loans, or cooperative agreements the signatory nato for the Local Government shall and subretit the I ry, Federal era[ Standard Forrn�'.LLL, "Disclosure Form .to . Report Lpbbyi.ng," in accordance with its instructions: O, Th e parties shall require that the languago of this certification sh6ll, be included. in the award docu'rnents for all sub=awards at all tiers '(ihciudihg-subcontra bts,, sub -.grants, and contracts under.grants, loans, and cooperative. petative. agreements) and all sub.4eci-olbrits; shall certify and disclose .accordingly. . . 'Sul�.m 'Submission of - this certification is,6 prerequis for making or oriterihg into this, transaction imposed -by Title 31 USC §1352. :Any person who falls to file the requiredtification shall be 8&odt to a, civil, penalty of less ess than .$10,000 and not more than.$100 000 for each failure. 22. Federal Funding nof funds under ding Accountability n I and Transparency Act ReqUiremets A. Any recipient p. dor this agreement agrees to comply Ah Federal Funding . with q. Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) and'implementingregulations at 2 CFR Pari 170, Including Appendix. A. This agreement is subject to the following award terms: hfti5://.vvWw.gbo..a6V/fdtyt/Skc"/Fpl-20',1,0-09--i4"/" 610-22,705.Ddf and B. The tbcsil.G6vernmerit agrees that it shall: 1. Obtain and provide to the- State a System for Award management (SAM) number (Fqderq�I,Acquisition -Regulation, Part 4, S . ub"p.art 4.11) if this award provides hib-fe than $25,000 in .Federal funding. The SAM number may be obtained by. visiting the SAM. website whose address is:, httpt'/www.tam:gov7portal/public/SAM/ 2. Obtain and provide to 'the State a- Data Universal Numb Wing System (DUNS) number, a unique nine -character number that alloWt.Fbderal g6vOrnm6rit to track the Agreement to Contribute - Fixed Price- I V1.00 I Page 8 of 10 i County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio: ROW CSJ.# 1268-02=032 CCSJ # 1268-02-030 Fedetl Project #.:N/A CFDA Title;'Highway_Planning & Construction CFDA # 20:205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research. and 'Development distribution of federal money: The DUNS may be requested free of charge for --all businesses and entities required to do -so by visiting the Dun & Bradstreet (MB) on -fine registration website hitpa/fed_ ov.dnb.comYwebform;.and 3. Report the total compensation and names 'of its top five (5). executives to the State i. More than 80% of annual. gross revenues .are from the Federal government, and -those revenues are greaterthan $25,000;000.; and ii. The:compensatim information is.'not already available through reporting to the U.S. =Securitiesand Exchange Commission: 23.: Single Audit: Report A. The parties shall comply with the .requirements: of the Single Audit.Act.of 1.984;: P.1-90- 502, ensuring that: the single .audit .report. includes the coverage -stipulated in OMB Circular A-133; B. If threshold expenditures of .$750,000 or more are :met during the Local Government's fscalyear, the Local Government must submit;a Single .Audit Repori and Management Letter (if:' plicablp) to TOOT's Audit Office. 125 E: 11th Street, Austin; TX .78701 or contact TOOT's Audit Office at t ttp://txd6t.g6v/inside=txdot/of db/audit/ddntact.html C., If expenditures are: less than $750,000 during: the Local Govern"ment's fipcal year, .the Local Government must submit a_ statement to TxDOT's Audit Office as follows:. "We .did not meet the $750,000 expenditure threshold and therefore, are not required to have. a single audit performed for FY 2023." D For each year the project: remains open for federal funding expenditures, the Local f Government Will be responsible for'filing a report or:statement.as describedabove.: The required annual fling -shall extend -throughout .the life of the agreement; unless:. - otherwise aniended or the project has- been formally closed out and no charges have 'been incurred within the current.fiscal year. 24. Signatory Warranty Each signatory warrants that the signatory has necessary authority to .execute this agreement on -behalf of the. entity represented. ' Agreement to Contribute -. Fixed Price l `V1.00 ,Page 9 of.1.0 County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio: ROW CSJ # 1268-02-032 CCSJ # 1268-02-030 Federal Project.A N/A CFDA Title. Highway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20.205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development THIS AGREEMENT IS EXECUTED by the State and the Local Government in duplicate. CITY,OF CIBOLO S' tune DocuSign Envelope ID: C7CEC18A-OF3D-4CF2-8314-CF0201FEC9B1 County Guadalupe District 15- San Antonio ROW CSJ # 1268-02-032 CCSJ # 1268-02-030 Federal Project #: NIA CFDA Title: Highway Planning & Construction CFDA # 20.205 Federal Highway Administration Not Research and Development THIS AGREEMENT IS EXECUTED by the State and the Local Government In duplicate. OF CIBOLO Typed qr printed Name l Title , 2 -.,'- Date THE STATE OF TEXAS Lgned by: �I�,tc;lc,v Contracts and Finance Director Right of Way Division Texas Department of Transportation 3/22/2023 Date �. Agreement to Contribute - Fixed Price I V1.00 I Page 10 of 10