ORD 3 10/09/1965• • •i ORDINANCE NO. 3 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERSONS HAVING BUSINESS MATTERS OR SUGGESTIONS OR REQUESTS FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE COUNCIL TO SUBMIT THE SAME IN WRITING TO THE MAYOR AS A PREDICATE TO ANY CONSIDERATION OF THE SAME BY THE COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the Mayor and the various members of the City Council are from time to time individually contacted by citizens of the City and others relative to pending business with the City or the conduct of its municipal affairs or with personal requests for assistance and the absence of any written memorandum of such contact has caused many matters of importance to be overlooked in the past and probably will in the future during the time that the formation of the city government is being completed and stabilized; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council are of the opinion that in the interest of orderly procedure that all such requests, suggestions and business contacts should be reduced to writing and presented to the Mayor so that he may in turn present the same to the Council as a whole for its consideration in due course; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: 1. That all persons having or desiring to have business with the City government, or having suggestions for the improvement of the same, or requesting assistance from the municipal authorities, shall reduce the matters involved to writing and present the same to the Mayor so that he can in turn present them for the consideration of the entire Council at its next meeting. 2. That no such matters, unless reduced to writing by the persons interested and as required in the preceding paragraph, shall be taken up and considered by the Council. 3. That the Mayor and all members of the Council shall advise all persons seeking to present such matters orally of the provisions of this ordinance in order_—that`compliance shall be Jua7d in all instances. PASSED AND APPROVED this't T r A.D. 1965. or.