Res 1637 03/28/2023 Criteria Redistrictingy j10a/f C �0 x.`111 '- 0%, (� •°0. .. ijlilliNl///!Ii/111111111111` .. - T iE AX "City of Choice" RESOLUTION NO. 16 S% A RESOLUTION OF THE CI -TY COUNCIL OF_THE CITY OF,CIBOLO, TEXAS ADOPTING CRITERIA FOR USE IN DISTRICTING THE CITY INTO SINGLE MEMBER CITY COUNCIL DISTRICTS BASED ON THE 2020 CENSUS: WHEREAS,:the City Council of the City of Cibolo has certain responsibilities for districting under federal and state law including but not limited to Amendments 14 and 15 to the United States Constitution,�U.S.C.A.; section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C.A. §10301; and Tex. Gov't Code Ann. §§ 2058.001 and 2058.002; and the City Charter; and WHEREAS,- the City's Charter has been amended by the popular vote in an election to _convert the configuration of the council from the existing seven single -member council districts to four single -member council districts, and three, at large seats; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council in drawing the single member council district - boundaries to ;comply with the United States Constitution, the. Voting Rights Act and with all other relevant law, including Shaw v. Reno jurisprudence; and WHEREAS, a set of established districting criteria will serve as a framework to guide the City Council in: the formulation and, consideration of districting plans; and,: WHEREAS, districting criteria will provide the City Council a means by which to evaluate. proposed plans; and WHEREAS, districting criteria will assist the City Council in its efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state laws; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the City Council, ' in its adoption of a districting plan for the City's initial single member city council districts, will adhere to the following criteria to the greatest extent practicable when establishing, new councilmember district boundaries: To the extent practicable: 1. Easily identifiable geographic boundaries should be followed. 1 2.. Communities of interest should be maintained in a single district and reasonable attempts should be made to avoid =splitting neighborhoods. 3. In drawing council districts, the City Council shall avoid-splitting,census blocks unless such action and necessary:and can be done in reasonable assurance of conformity_ with federal law. 4. Districts must be configured so that they are relatively equal in total population according to the 2020 federal census. In no event should the total population , deviation :between the largest and the smallest :district exceed ten .percent as compared to the ideal precinct size. 5. The districts should be compact and composed of contiguous _territory: Compactness may contain.:a functional, as well as a geographical; dimension. 6. Consideration may be given ,to the preservation of incumbent -constituency: relationsby recognition ofthe residence of .incumbents: and their history in representing certain areas. 7. The plan:: should be narrowly tailored to avoid racial gerrymandering in violation of Shativ v. Reno. 8. The plan should not fragment a geographically compact minority community or pack minority voters in the presence of polarized voting or otherwise discriminate against protected groups so as to create liability under the Voting Rights Act. 9. To the extent practicable, districts should be composed of whole voting precincts. Where this isnot possible or practicable, districts should be drawn in a way that permits the .creation of practical voting precincts and that ensures that adequate facilities for polling places exist in each voting precinct; and splitting census blocks should be avoided.. - The City Council will review all plans considering these criteria and will evaluate how well each plan conforms to.the criteria. All plans submitted by staff; consultants, and members: of the: .City Council should conform to these criteria. This resolution shall be''effective upon adoption by. the City Council.- 2 No Text