Min CC 02/10/1998 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,FEBRUARY 10,1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. H. ROLL CALL., Present were Mayor Bauder,and Council members Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Bert Johnson,Chuck Ridge,and Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake,City Administrator Tom Newman, Chief of Police Wes Suiter,and Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) 1. Mr.Marcus Pridgeon General Manager of GVEC gave a brief franchise report and presented a check for $29,936.82 to the City for 1997. 2. Mr.Gene Schulz inquired regarding the status of the drainage repair on South Main St. 3. Tom Newman,on behalf of Mr.Robert Tullgren,thanked Council for adjusting his retirement. 4. Tom Newman,on behalf of Mark Buell,informed Council that,with their approval,he was organizing a citizen clean-up of the new Deer Creek Park area,on 3/7/98 in conjunction with the city clean-up. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 27,1998 Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR JANUARY,1998 Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON 1997 AUDIT,MR.GORDON ARMSTRONG Mr.Armstrong reported on his audit of FY96-97 financial records. Recommendations included centralizing individual salary and payroll information in personnel records;consolidating accounts where possible;more thorough reconciling;reserving inventories for valuable and high-risk items;taking better advantage of Texpool rates;Council must approve opening or closing any accounts,and the Investment Policy annually; and Council oversight. He also acknowledged that the small staff makes some normal procedures impossible. Bob Glisar recommended approval of the audit;Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESOLUTION ADOPTING A FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN Motion to approve by Gail Douglas;seconded by Bert Johnson. Approved. ..n W 1X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESOLUTION TO FUND DIETZ ROAD PROJECT Motion to approve by Bob Glisar;seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CITY INVESTMENT POLICY Discussion centered on increasing investments allowed in pools,omitting the Mayor as an investment officer,and setting training to code requirements. Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion to approve by Gail Douglas;seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON JOINT ELECTION REQUIREMENTS: A. JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. B. GENERAL ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. C. ORDER OF ELECTION Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. XIII. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE APPOINTMENT OF POLICE PATROLMAN TO FILL VACANCY Motion to approve by Chuck Ridge;seconded by Bert Johnson. Approved. XIV. ACCEPT/REJECT NEW COPS UNIVERSAL HIRING PROGRAM GRANT FOR ONE FULL-TIME POLICE OFFICER,AND AUTHORIZING PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR TO FILL POSITION Motion to approve by Jeff Miller;seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. XV. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REDUCING/WAIVING BALLFIELD FEES FOR MR. BALDERAS Brief discussion recommended developing a policy for fees waivers,with a decision to review on a case-by- case basis. Tom Newman will relay policy interest to Parks&Rec. Motion to approve by Chuck Ridge to waive both fees and lights;seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. XVI. COMMENTS BY STAFF 1. Tom Newman reported that Steven Steinmetz completed animal control training,was enrolled in basic water operator training,and ads were run to fill vacant position. Schertz rejected our attempt to resolve the sewer line repair and raised our service rates. He also reported on past and upcoming meetings of interest. The City has a tentative bid of about$9000 for the Haeckerville Road repair from Potholes Plus. AACOG is trying to define the impact of lost Kelly AFB jobs on the local area. 2. Keith Gilbreath informed Council that the remaining 359 lots in Deer Creek will be built out by the end of 1998. Twelve permits have been issued to Japhet and Flair. 3. Ron Flake stated that he was preparing to go forward with the Shell Oil legal action,and possibly joining or initiating another action regarding our well. XVII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 1. Jeff Miller reported on the Fire Dept.Taco Breakfast. XVIII. COMMENTS BY MAYOR None. XIX. ADJOURN TO WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS EXPANSION OF CITY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Motion to adjourn to workshop by Bob Glisar. Workshop began at 7:52 p.m.,and several citizens testified to their preference for the large lots and rural atmosphere of Royal Oak Acres. Mr.Fritz Schlather asked for clear ordinance rules so developers will not have the uncertainty of variances. Tom Newman gave a presentation that broke down the implications of a new ordinance vs.the existing ordinance. In summary,he felt the existing ordinance already allows all of the features requested in a new ordinance,but keeps the decision to allow them in the hands of P&Z and Council. On the other hand,a second ordinance specifying those features would not require any specific decision,and would make it very difficult to disapprove its provisions. Discussion centered on standards for subdivisions with large lots. Council voiced their interest in keeping construction standards up to current ordinance standards rather than the lower County standards. Patrick Lindner,Attorney for Mark Vaughan,presented a proposal of standards,costs,sewer line extension, and septic systems,for Council's information. More testimony followed as to individual preferences for large-lot areas,leading Tom Newman to clarify that there is no aversion,by the City,to having large,rural lots. The City's concern is only with managing service standards,growth,and costs. Ron Flake assessed the situation as being mainly an issue of sewer service vs. septic systems. Other features have not been overly difficult to resolve,but sewer allows the City to grow,and subdivisions without sewer can form an obstacle to further development. The disparity in cost estimates also needs to be resolved. A consensus formed for Planning and Zoning to look into the City Master Plan,and possible criteria for large-lot subdivisions. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE &DAY OF �� 51998. HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAYOR ATTEST: THOMAS A.NEWMAN,CITY SECRETARY