Min CC 04/14/1998 - Regular/Joint Workshop MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND JOINT WORKSHOP THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING FOLLOWED BY A JOINT WORKSHOP WITH THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION ON TUESDAY,APRIL 14,1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,and Council members Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Bert Johnson,Chuck Ridge,and Gail Douglas. Planning & Zoning members present included Chairman Paul Buell, Dick Hetzel, Jamie Casarez, Max Harris,Billy Gibbs,Charles Ruppert,David Sippel,Ann Almond,Ted Hollister,and Alan Bradshaw. Staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake,City Administrator Tom Newman,Chief of Police Wes Suiter,and Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) A. Anne Almond suggested Cibolo should participate in the Schertz 4th of July Parade. B. Mark Buell informed Council of Cibolofest Golf Tourney preparations and asked for their participation. He also complimented employee Yvonne Smith for the poster she created. He notified Council that he will be needing two replacements for upcoming Parks&Rec vacancies VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 24,1998 Jeff Miller recommended approval. Gail Douglas seconded. Approved. B.APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR MARCH,1998 Jeff Miller recommended approval. Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RECOMMENDATION FOR DEER CREEK PARK SIGNS Mark Buell requested installing signs at the Deer Creek park land to inform people that the land will be used for a City park,with credits to the funding entities. Signs will be funded from the Parks&Rec. budget. It was suggested that the developer might pay for them,and Keith Gilbreath said he would approach them. a VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON COST OF OPENING WELL UNDER INTERIM EAA RULES Tom Newman informed Council that Green Valley SUD was willing to allow us to connect to their lines, but price details are not worked out yet for production and transport. The cost of opening the well is less than anticipated due to the proximity of a GVSUD line,and the City could recoup almost the entire expense within the two years of pumping under interim EAA rules. Jeff Miller motioned to seek an agreement with GVSUD on opening the well and transporting water. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.074,(1),(A)OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS CONCERNING CITY EMPLOYEES A. DISCUSSION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL MATTERS B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION Council entered into Executive Session at 7:10 PM to discuss Police Department personnel matters,and entered back into open session at 7:40 PM Bob Glisar moved,with regret,to accept the resignation of Chief Wes Suiter effective June 16, 1998,and to begin seeking a replacement immediately. Bert Johnson seconded. Mayor Bauder expressed his regrets at losing Chief Suiter. Approved. X. COMMENTS BY STAFF Tom Newman notified Council he would be attending two seminars;one on Managing multiple projects(at his cost),and the other on Public Funds Investments. Street repairs are ongoing,and he is working on a contract with Garden Ridge Animal Hospital. The City received a letter from CCMA informing of their intent to enforce our contract and connection order,as well as the results of the independent study on sewer vs. septic system installation costs. Custom Design Shutters is volunteering to repaint the rest rooms in Niemietz Park,the City car has been repaired to a safe condition,and computer cables have been installed in City Hall. Entex is raising their rates by$0.17 per bill,it will cost$6240 to install a jumper line in preparation for the water tank repair,and TML delivered a check for$1244,but a rate increase is coming. Chief Suiter requested not publicizing his resignation until he could inform his officers. XI. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Bob Glisar reported on the Canyon Regional Water Board meeting of 4/13/98. Engineering is finished on the Mid-Cities water line coming to Cibolo,but it will still be about 4-5 yrs.before completion. XII. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder wished Chief Suiter the best. XIII. ADJOURNMENT TO WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS: A. CITY WATER DISTRICT AND DEVELOPMENT Tom Newman presented a briefing on the relationship of the City limits and ETJ to the City's certificated water service district,and their implications for the City's future growth. 2 B.EXPANDED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Tom Newman and Keith Gilbreath presented a revised set of standards for large-lot,rural-type subdivisions for Council and P&Z's consideration. The construction and connection standards remain virtually the same as the existing ordinance,but developers who take this new ordinance section in its entirety,would not have to apply for variances for sidewalks,curbless streets,and certain other requirements. Sewer connection is required within 1200 feet of existing sewer. A lengthy discussion followed. Bob Glisar made the motion for adjounment at 9:15 PM. �J APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 22r DAY OF L 21998. 7?x?�Jkxi HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAY6R ATTEST: �a THOMAS A.NEWMAN,CITY SECRETARY 3