Min CC 06/23/1998 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,JUNE 23, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL. All were present except Paul Buell—excused absence. Staff was represented by Claudia Schneider,Phyllis Smith, Keith Gilbreath and Police Chief Mark Riffe III. INVOCATION. Invocation led by Bob Glisar IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge led by Mayor Sam Bauder V CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) No citizens were present to be heard VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 9,1998 Motion to accept made by Jeff Miller, seconded by Chuck Ridge, approved VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ACCEPTING RESIGNATION OF MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE ROY RICHARD AND APPOINT NEW JUDGE Comments made by Council as to how much Judge Richard will be missed. Has served the city for 11 years and has done a wonderful job. Mayor Bauder directs a letter of appreciation and possibly a plaque be sent to Judge Richard.Bob Glisar motioned to accept resignation,Jeff Miller seconded. Motion passed. Gail Douglas abstained from voting. Bob Glisar motioned to appoint John Hmcir as new judge,Jeff Miller seconded. Motion passed VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL OF CRWA AND GBRA CONTRACTS Ron Flake talked to the attorney that prepared the CRWA contract. Everyone has agreed to the contract. City of Schertz has yet to sign. CRWA contract will be for 250 feet of treated water. GBRA contract will be a separate contract. Motion to approve mayor the sign both contracts by Bob Glisar,seconded by Gail Douglas,Motion passed. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SETTING SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING TO AWARD NIEMIETZ PARK BID Meeting set for Monday,June 29 noon. Lunch to be provided. Motion by Jeff Miller,seconded by Gail Douglas. passed X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FUNDING OF BROWN PROPERTY PURCHASE Motion made to amend budget out of general fund to capital outlay land for$2939.00 by Gail Douglas, seconded by Chuck Ridge. Motion passed M. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SETTING BUDGET PRIORITIES FOR 1998-1999 FISCAL YEAR Council was provided with a list of possible items to consider. Brief explanation on several items. Jeff Miller suggested that two items be eliminated such as new City Hall and Deer Creek Park. Council was reminded that money has been paid by developer to be put toward Deer Creek park. Mayor Bauder commented that the city -4? should start putting money aside towards the new city hall. Council will review list for discussion at upcoming budget workshop. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF THISTLE CREEK UNIT 5 Planning&Zoning recommended approval upon contingent on receiving revised plat approval from city engineer Motion made to accept by Gail Douglas, seconded by Jeff Miller. approved XIII. COMMENTS BY STAFF No comments by staff XIV COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS No comments by council XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Looking forward to a good year,getting bids in for completion of park,completion of road finished in Thistle Creek and new middle school open. Letter to be sent to Judge Richard. XVI. ADJOURNMENT Meet adjourned at 7:35 pm APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 2S- DAY OF 1998. YOR SAM BAUDER ATTESTED BY- TOM NEWMAN, CITY SECRETARY