Min CC 07/14/1998 Is :f 4. MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING AND BUDGET WORKSHOP ON TUESDAY,JULY 14,1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM II. ROLL CALL. Present were Council members Bob Glisar,Paul Buell,Chuck Ridge,and Gail Douglas. Mayor Bauder was not present. Staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake,City Administrator Tom Newman,Chief of Police Mark Riffe,Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath,and City Treasurer Phyllis Smith. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Miller led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None. Vl. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 23,1998 Tabled by Jeff Miller due to missing page. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 29,1998 C. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR JUNE,1998 Paul Buell motioned to approve June 29, 1998 and the check register. Seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FIREARM ORDINANCE Chief Riffle presented a revised Firearm ordinance with collaboration by the City Attorney. Discussion focused on use of pellet and BB guns by residents on their own property. Paul Buell motioned to table Item until revised to address this issue. Bob Glisar seconded. Tabled. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CIBOLOFEST`98 OPTIONS Mark Buell informed Council that the Park project is underway,the colors have been selected,and the building is expected to be sufficiently completed in time for Cibolofest on October 17, 1998. Current plans are to proceed as usual. The Sausage House will be removed tomorrow. He also reported on plans for a groundbreaking ceremony at the Niemietz Park on Monday,July 20, 1998,at 9:00 AM. The Herald will advertise and invite the public. Jeff Miller said he will be unable to attend;the Mayor will be notified. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON GREEN VALLEY SUD LETTER Tom Newman prefaced the discussion by reminding Council that he and Keith Gilbreath have been trying to get a firm commitment from Green Valley SUD to transport water,under interim EAA rights,from the City well. A. TRANSPORTATION OF WATER FROM CITY WELL The letter affirms their willingness to agree on an arrangement to transport our water,but questions our figures on the cost of putting our well into operation. They feel it would be substantially higher,and suggest finding another source instead. Bob Glisar suggested gathering current data and bringing the Item back to Council for reassessment. Discussion turned to the GBRA and CRWA contracts as an alternate source. Consensus B. SUPPLY Green Valley informs the City that they will be unable to provide the amount of water specified in our contract. Tom Newman will get more specific information from Dorothy Mills. C. RE-ALLIGNMENT OF CIBOLO/GREEN VALLEY SERVICE BOUNDARIES Green Valley SUD is willing to adjust our Service District to give Cibolo the area adjacent to IH 35,but it is not yet clear what portion of our District they would take in return. Discussion followed on the need for service rat IH 35,the need for a storage tank in the area. Building a tank would require a bond issue,but a tank will also be necessary to receive CRWA water. Tom Newman also informed Council that New Braunfels Utilities is interested in developing a partnership to build a line down IH 35 to lease treated surface water to interested parties. He will be exploring that possibility. Paul Buell motioned to table the item,do more research,and address it as soon as possible. Bob Glisar seconded. Tabled. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON BUDGET AMMENDMENT FOR NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT Tom Newman presented a budget amendment to adjust for the award of the new Niemietz Park Project bid. Gail Douglas motioned to approve the amendment as submitted. Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REPAIR OF STREETS IN THISTLE CREEK,UNIT 4 Keith Gilbreath displayed photos of the street failures in Thistle Creek,Unit 4,and informed Council that he has the assurance of Mr.Gallo the contractor will begin the repairs in one week,or he will hire another contractor to do so. He suggests Council require a performance bond or unconditional letter of credit to ensure the project,and the City will receive a one-year warrantee on the streets. Thistle Creek Drive and Spice Oak Lane will be completed first to accommodate expected school traffic. Paul Buell motioned that the City give one week to start the work,that the City require an unconditional letter of credit. Thistle Creek Drive and Spice Oak Lane be done first,and that a one-year written warrantee be provided. Gail Douglas seconded. Approved. XII. COMMENTS BY STAFF A. Tom Newman presented the attached Administrator's Report. He clarified that the veterinarian's services are for tranquilizers,the Garden Ridge Animal Hospital contract is not in place yet,and GVTC will connect their cables at the RR and FM 1103. A letter of appreciation will be sent to Judge Richard. B. Keith Gilbreath noted he will be issuing a no-cost permit for the park project. C. Chief Riffe reported that the City communications antenna has been completed,and the Police Sergeant has submitted her resignation. XIII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Paul Buell requested the staff have Council packets prepared earlier to allow more time for preparation. 2 A� XIV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR None. XV. ADJOURN TO WORKSHOP ON FY98-99 BUDGET Bob Glisar made the motion. Tom Newman and Phyllis Smith presented Council with a draft General Fund Budget for review. Revenues were estimated because the Count Tax Office had not yet published FY 98-99 tax rates. After a few questions,Council retired to review the draft at their leisure. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE;ZS-DAY OF , 1998. HONORABLE S BAUDER,MAYOR ATTEST: THOMAS A.NEWMAN,CITY SECRETARY 3