Min CC 07/28/1998 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,July 28,1998 AT 7:00 PAL AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor RDERMayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,and Council members Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Bert Johnson,Chuck Ridge, and Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake,City Administrator Tom Newman,Chief of Police Mark Riffe,Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath,and City Treasurer Phyllis Smith. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Mr.Ed Ling addressed Council regarding the pending update of the City Gun Control Ordinance. Mr.Ling asked Council to consider that property owners should have the right to use different types of guns on their own property as long as they do so responsibly. Ron Flake informed him that the proposed ordinance was being modified,and Mayor Bauder assured him his concerns would be taken into consideration. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A APPROVAL OF NETUTES OF JUNE 23,1998 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Gail Douglas seconded. Approved. B. APPROVAL OF MMWTES OF JULY 14,1998 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Paul Buell seconded. Approved. Mayor Bauder presented Police Sergeant Deborah Cielencki with a plaque on her last day of service to the City. The Council expressed their gratitude for her 12 years of dedicated service. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CITY OF PEARLAND VS.ENTEX CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT City Attorney Ron Flake informed Council that in spite of Entex's efforts to get cities to opt out of the lawsuit,it appears the class will form and it would be in Cibolo's best interest not to opt out as was previously decided. As a party,Cibolo will be subject to any decisions or judgements in the action. Jeff Miller motioned to join the class action lawsuit against ENTEX. Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NEW BRAUNFELS UTILITIES WATER LINE PROPOSAL Tom Newman explained that water through the New Braunfels Utilities proposal could be more expensive that our current contract with CRWA,but feels it is worth pursuing. Discussion followed regarding up- front expenses with a letter of intent,and the need for a water reservoir. Council recommended exploring every opportunity. Paul Buell motioned to keep checking on the New Braunfels Utilities water line. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CITY WELL Tom Newman stated he had still not received a firm answer from Green Valley SUD regarding transporting Cibolo well water. The principals ofthe proposed IRC subdivision are not interested in annexing to Cibolo,but have requested Dorothy Mills to commit the connections available,and also to request fire flow service from Schertz. Tom Newman discussed the relationships with the IRC people,clearly informing them that the City could not provide to an interest outside of both our city and CCN. He described the City's water situation as being very good,with a 1.5 million gallons/day contract with Green Valley,and a 700 acre feetlyear contract with CRWA. Mayor Bauder observed that before we can put our well into operation,we first need to know if Green Valley will transport the water. Tom Newman said he would press Dorothy Mills for the answer. In spite of the well issue,he also recommended going forward with the EAA Contested Case Hearing,to which the Council agreed. No action was taken at this time. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON UPDATED SCHOOL ZONE ORDINANCE Keith Gilbreath presented the Ordinance revised to include the new Barbara Jordan Middle School. A brief discussion of the zones and markings followed. Paul Buell motioned to accept the Ordinance. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON THISTLE CREEK PARKING ORDINANCE Chief Riffe explained how this Ordinance would prevent congestion and enhance the safety of the school areas at a time of heavy construction. After the construction is finished,the zones can be redefined. Bob Glisar motioned for approval. Paul Buell seconded. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON COMBINATION PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR DEER CREEK,SECTION 1,PHASE 3 Keith Gilbreath presented the plat,explaining how previous questions regarding lot width and driveways of lots 37 and 38 had been remedied. The builder achieved the required lot width by moving the setback lines back,also making the driveways longer. As the street is not a major thoroughfare,he recommended placing the driveways on the side of the lot farther away from the intersection. Bob Glisar motioned for approval with the noted changes to lots 37 and 38. Gail Douglas seconded. Approved. Engineer Don McCrary thanked the Council,and commended the City staff for an excellent system XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.074,(1),(A)OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS CONCERNING CITY EMPLOYEES. A. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND SALARY EVALUATION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS Council entered Executive Session at 7:45 PM. Council reconvened in open session at 8:30 PM. No action was taken. 2 %4 Z-ba Yb XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF Tom Newman reported to Council as noted in the attached Administrator's Report. There was brief discussion of the cost of repair of the line under the RR track,and the long hours being worked by the Public Works staff. Mayor Bauder inquired about the recruiting for a new worker,and suggested that temporary staffing services may be able to help. Keith Gilbreath reported that the street repairs were completed in Thistle Creek,and we now only need the density reports. Barbara Jordan School is ready to open,but the telephones are not yet installed, and they are necessary for the safety of the students. Tie-ins have been worked out for the connection of sewer lines between Deer Creek and Royal Oaks. No plans have been done for the extension of Thistle Creek Drive to Borgfeld Rd. XV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Chuck Ridge asked if we have already rented a backhoe. Jeff Miller asked if the cable installation area along Town Creek could be made into a walking path. XVI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR None XVII. ADJOURN TO WORKSHOP ON FY98-99 BUDGET Bob Glisar made the motion. FY98-99 BUDGET WORKSHOP Tom Newman and Phyllis Smith presented an adjusted budget draft. It did not include the new tax rates which were not available until this evening. Council clarified the replacement policy for Police cars, directed staff to add longevity pay as a benefit to City employees,continued the donation to the Schertz Library,and passed the GBRA water costs to water customers rather than paying it from general funds. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE -2,� DAY OF cC..S , 1998. HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MA OR ATTEST: �f 1 -�/ , - THOMAS A.NEWMAN,CITY SECRETARY 3